Sunday, March 31, 2019

Living in the Spiritual Light of Christ.

Living in the Spiritual Light of Christ.


Those who live in spiritual light of Christ

go on   renewing their  character non stop,


being  imperfect there is room for growth till the very end.
Being human beings with fallen nature, 

they cannot be guaranteed against sin,

but, when they  sin, they cannot rest.

They  cannot just forget their  sin,

but immediately they  repent

and turn from that sin

and receive the Lord’s forgiveness.


Because they  are like someone who is wearing a white garb:

Even the smallest stain of sin shows up

and they cannot rest until they have it washed

by the blood of Jesus Christ. 

Let us walk in the light of Jesus.

Even the smallest stain of impurity can be easily noticed in the light of Jesus.

His blood is always available for all those who love it.

It is available in the confessional,

where Jesus Himself is sitting in the form of a priest.

It is our right and duty

to make use of our priests

to have our sins forgiven.

Lourdu Selvam.

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