Thursday, April 27, 2023

How  is God everywhere?

   How  is God everywhere?


God created the universe from nothing.

By universe we refer to the vast space with the millions of stars with their planets which are within it.

We cannot even imagine the vastness of the space.

Light travels at a speed of 1,86,000 miles per second.

Scientists say that the light rays of some stars have not yet reached our planet though they are travelling at this speed right from the time of their creation millions of years ago!

Can we just imagine the distance between them and our planet?

They are innumerable million folds of light years from our planet.

 One light year is equal to 1,86,000 x 60 x 60 x 24 x 365 miles!

Just imagine the size of the universe created by God!

Where is God?

God is everywhere.

The question and answer belong to a human language.

Man is living in the material universe created by God.

Though he is a combination of matter and spirit (body and soul) his language is related to matter as he has to deal with material things all his life.

The trouble is, he has to use the same material language even when he speaks about spirituality.

This is the cause of the confusion in our understanding things spiritual.

We use the question word ‘where’ when we expect an answer referring to a material place.

“Where are you living?”

“I am living in Pavoorchatram.”

“Where is the book I gave you?”

“It is on my table.”

We use the same ‘where’ when expect an answer referring to spiritual things.

“Where is God?”

“Where is heaven?”

“Where will we go after death?”

Just as ‘where’ ‘everywhere’ too refer to a material place.

By ‘everywhere’ we refer to the whole universe.

“God is everywhere’’ means that God is in all the places in the vast universe.

How is God everywhere?

Having no other go but to use a material language to describe things Divine, we must be very careful in understanding what is described.

When we say ‘everywhere’ what comes to our mind is the material universe with its vast space with the million folds of stars in it.

True, God is everywhere in the universe covering a circumference of trillion folds of square miles! 

The same God, who is within and around us, is also in a star which is many trillion light years away from us.

But, how?

The universe we are talking of is a material thing.

But God is a spirit.

 Spirit cannot occupy a matter.

In fact a spirit needs no space for its existence.

We know that it was God who created the space.

God exists from all eternity when space was only an idea in His mind as we too were.

Then how is He in the material universe?

God is everywhere by His power, love, knowledge and other attributes.

Having created the universe He has full power over it.

It is He Who maintains it with the natural laws He made for the purpose.

 He has full power to annihilate the whole universe and turn it into nothing if He wills so.

He loves the whole universe as it is His creation.

He has full knowledge about the universe; He knows the movement of each and every atom in the whole universe.

His being ‘everywhere’ is purely spiritual, not material.

‘I am sitting on my chair.’

Here my body is a matter; it is on a chair, which too is a matter.

As God is everywhere, He is in the chair also, but not in a material sense as I do, but in a spiritual sense, by His attributes.

Lourdu Selvam

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