Sunday, March 6, 2022

Meditation on God’s Love.

Meditation on God’s Love.

(‘I’ refers both to the Author and the reader of the article.)

I am not like a grain of the sand in the long and wide Marina beach.

 I am not just one of the millions and millions of human beings past, present, and future.

I am a unique human being loved by God as if I were the only child — the only fruit of His creative powers.

He loves me.

He created me out of nothing.

He has endowed me with whatever good I have in order to use it for His glory as long as I am in this world and to live with Him for all eternity when I leave this world.

It is not because I am worthy of it, but because He loves me.

Even if I were the only sinner in the world, Jesus would have died on the cross for me.

When I look at Jesus, I see His Father, who is one with His Son and the Holy Spirit who is one with the Father and the Son.

The love of the whole human race put together would be merely as a spark in comparison with the love Jesus has for me.

I cannot fathom the depth of His love, it is so deep.


At the Last Supper, “The disciple Jesus loved was reclining next to Jesus . . . so leaning back on Jesus’ breast he said, ‘Who is it Lord?’ ” (Jn. 13:23, 25).

John asked who His betrayer was.

Judas, whom He loved to the extent of choosing him as His disciple, became s betrayer.

Am I not also a betrayer if I deny Jesus the love He deserves and the gratitude His grace demands?



Our Lady gave birth to Jesus and now she shares the longing of His broken Heart to suffer for the mankind and for me.

He loves me too as He loves His dear Mother.

But do I react to His love as His Mother reacted?

Our Lady loved her Son so much that she accepted whatever He did, even His sacrifice on the Cross as amendment for my sins.

In a way she sacrificed her Son for me.

Am I ready to sacrifice myself for my neighbours?

Am I ready to sacrifice at least a few small desires of mine to satisfy some small needs of my brethren?



His Heart yearns to prove Itself by its sacrifice.

My love manifests itself when receiving; His, by giving.

My love diminishes in pain, His has no limits.

My love expands when He says “yes” to all my requests; His love was joyful to do His Father’s Will even when His request was not granted.

My love vacillates, it is on fire one day and cold the next day; His love for me is constant and faithful, forever the same.


When I am hurt by someone, my love grows cold and this coldness hardens my heart.

This is not so with His Heart.

His love continues to burn for me even when I offend Him.

The burning Heart of Jesus is surrounded with thorns, which represent my sins against His love.


The Heart of Jesus longs for my love because He is so good.

He longs to fill me with His own peace which the world I love cannot give.

He stands at the door of my heart, waiting to be invited in.

He is waiting outside in the cold, as He once did in a cave of Bethlehem.

He is waiting for me to acknowledge His presence, to respond to His Love.

Come in, my Lord, I love You.

I love You with all my heart and soul.

Have mercy on me and accept my love, my dear Jesus.

Henceforth I am Yours and Yours alone.

Lourdu Selvam.

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