Wednesday, August 14, 2019

We should not blame the darkness around us, we must light a candle.


We should not blame the darkness around us, we must light a candle.


We are proving ourselves progeny of Adam and Eve by putting any blame, to be justly borne by us, on others.


When God asked Adam,

“Hadst thou eaten of the tree, whose fruit I forbade thee to eat?”,


 he replied   “The woman  whom thou gavest me to be my companion, she it was who offered me fruit from the tree, and so I came to eat it.”


When God asked Eve, “What made thee do this?” 


she replied, “The serpent  beguiled me, and so I came to eat”.


They did not accept their sin.


Adam put the blame on his wife.


She put the blame on the serpent.


We have inherited their nature.


Placing the blame on others is the easiest thing that we can do to prove ourselves blameless.


If we get none to blame we put the blame on the situation.


“Why did you steal the money from your friend?”

“What else could have I done in such a situation?”


Our Saviour, Jesus, amended for all our sins by taking them all on Himself in the form of a Cross, on which He sacrificed Himself.


Figuring out “who’s to blame” is not an effective way to heal the hurtful situations in our lives.


In truth we must take the responsibility for whatever we do, though others may a place in our action.


Someone might have misguided us to do something wrong, but it is we who have done the action.


The responsibility is ours.


We should have used our brain when others misguided us.


Not using our brain is our fault, not others’.


We should keep one important thing in our mind to be of help to us whenever we are about to go wrong.


God is always with us with His grace to help us in all our actions.


Every time we begin an act we must pray for God’s grace to be of help in our action.


We must at least make a sign of the Cross to show that we do what we do in the ‘name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit’.


 God is already waiting with His grace to be showered on us the moment we ask for it.


God takes the responsibility for the success of our action on Himself.


Sometimes it may happen that our action does not give us the result expected by us.


Then we must accept it as the will of God.


Whatever God does will be for our good; we must be thankful to God whatever the result is.


When we blame others, we turn other people or our circumstances into idols that are more powerful than God’s grace working in us.


 We must pray God to give us the ability to do all things through Christ who strengthens us.


  According to St Thomas Aquinas,   “Grace builds on nature.”   .


  According to St Paul, “I have the strength for everything through Christ who empowers me.”



First, we must ask God what He wants us to do before starting an action


Second, we must ask Him for the grace to make up for everything we feel we lack.


Finally, we must do the thing to let God’s grace flow through our actions.


God invites us to grow in strength and wisdom with His grace.



We must accept His invitation 


When we accept it God will make us a witness to the amazing things He can create with imperfect people and imperfect situations.


We should not blame the darkness around us, we must light a candle.


“I am the Light”, Jesus.


Lourdu Selvam.

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