I am Bible speaking.
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First I must introduce myself as exactly what I am,
because many people fail to identify me as I am.
They mistake me to be what they think I am,
due to their ignorance.
Let me explain. What am I?
I am the ‘word’ of God.
By word I refer to the ‘message’ that God intends to give you.
I say this first because ‘word’ has another reference also.
‘The word’ also refers to the Son of God, whose word I am.
“In the beginning was the Word: and the Word was with God: and the Word was God.” (John.1:1)
Here ‘The Word’ refers to the Son of God , The Second Person of the Holy Trinity, who became man to amend for our sins .
“And the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us (and we saw his glory, the glory as it were of the only begotten of the Father), full of grace and truth.”( John. 1:14)
So ‘The word’ is God.
‘Word’ is His message.
In this article, ‘Bible’ refers the message of God.
Hope I am clear: I am the message of God.
I was translated into human language through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
Though human beings wrote me in their language, Holy spirit is my real Author.
I am a concept.
To be able to be communicated to all the people
first I took a linguistic form
and then I was put down into writing.
The book that contains me is also called Bible.
But the book that contains printed words is not me.
It is the message that the words convey is me.
The trouble is many people carry ‘The book’ with them when they go to church, but don’t care about me (The message).
They read the words without grasping the real message they convey.
Some people interpret me according to their own whims and fancies and use me to suit their own purpose.
Such people don’t use me; they misuse me.
Before proceeding further I must make one thing clear.
The first part of me was written by prophets in order to predict the birth, life, death and resurrection of Jesus.
The second part of me was written by the disciples of Jesus to give you His message.
So the whole of me revolves around Jesus.
Jesus is my centre.
He being my centre and His being all the messages,
He alone knows how to interpret me correctly.
Before His ascension into Heaven He passed on the power of spreading His message to His Apostles.
“ Then he enlightened their minds, to make them understand the scriptures;” (Luke.24:45)
The enlightenment is for interpreting me correctly.
“you, therefore, must go out ………. teaching them to observe all the commandments which I have given you”. .(Matthew.28:19,20)
Jesus empowered Peter to feed His lambs, tend His shearlings and feed His sheep. .(John. 21:15-17)
The authority to preach His message with correct interpretation was given to His Apostles headed by St. Peter on whom Jesus built His Church.
It goes without saying that they are the ones who were empowered to interpret the message.
So, only the Catholic Church, under the leadership of the Pope, who is the successor of St. Peter, has the right to interpret me.
Interpretations of those who are outside the Catholic Church need not be correct.
So please come into the Catholic Fold to understand me as Jesus intended me to be understood.
Even Satan interpreted me in his own way when he tempted Jesus.
Human language is not perfect as its inventors are not perfect.
The language lends itself to be twisted by its speakers as they like
to the extent that
even opposite viewers use the same word to prove their opposite views.
It is because of the imperfection of the human language in which I have been presented to you
people confuse others by twisting me
by twisting the meaning of the human words
to suit their purpose.
Only the 'One, Holy, Apostalic, Catholic church gives me to its children as I really am.
It is because
it alone is the original Church instituted by Jesus,
whose word I am.
So listen to the Catholic church to understand me correctly.
Mere listening is not enough.
You must make me your life by putting me into practice in each and every step of your life.
In short,
Live to receive me
Receive to live me.
Lourdu Selvam.
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