Wednesday, August 14, 2019

l“My daughter, thy faith has brought thee recovery; go in peace.” (Mark. 5:34)


l“My daughter, thy faith has brought thee recovery; go in peace.” (Mark. 5:34)

Jesus cured the woman who for twelve years had had an issue of blood.

But He says that it was the faith of the woman that cured her.

This shows how much importance Our Lord gives to our faith in Him.


What happen in our life fall into two categories:

1. Things that God does in us without our asking Him.

 2. Things that God does for us if asked for.


1.     God created us and is taking for us by His kind providence without our asking Him for it. He has gifted us with ‘Faith in Him’ without our asking for it. Even those whom we call unbelievers have some belief in them deep in their hearts without themselves knowing it. This faith will reveal itself at emergencies when nothing of this world is of any help to them.

 I remember to have read about a saint who was an unbeliever until the time when his friend sitting beside him was shocked to death by a sudden flash of lightning, himself surviving. This brought home to his mind the nothingness of this world and the supernatural power which saved him. The faith so far hidden revealed itself at this emergency and made him dedicate his life for the service of God.

2 . There are things which God does for us when we ask for them. Jesus Himself has said, “Ask, it shall be given.”  To be given what we ask for, we should have faith in God and a strong belief that we will be given.  We will be given in proportion to the amount of our faith in God.   Jesus won’t work  any wonder for us unless our faith in him is strong.


 Even in His own country-side, Jesus could not do any wonderful works

due to the unbelief  of the people there.(Mark. 6:5)

 St. Antony could do many miracles during his life time due to his strong faith.

So let us strengthen our faith first before asking God for anything.

Lourdu Selvam

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