Wednesday, August 14, 2019

-- How to make every act a good work.    

-- How to make every act a good work.    

Whether an act is meritorious or not depends upon the intention with which we do it.

If we do an act just for self satisfaction it is not meritorious before God.

It will be meritorious only if we do it for the glory of God.

God sees our heart rather than our act.

It is ‘how’ and ‘why’, not ‘what’ we do that decides our reward.

Helping the poor is just an act; if we do it for the love of God it becomes a good work.

If a student reads his book to get good marks in his exam, it is just an act; if he does the reading for the love of God it becomes a good work.

If we eat just to satisfy our hunger, it is just an act; if we eat for the love of God it becomes a good act.

If we begin any act ‘in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost’ it will become a good act.

Even sleep will become a good act if we do it for God.

Good acts earn for us salvation.

Good acts earn for us eternal reward.

Good acts earn for us everlasting bliss.

It is very easy to do a good act.

We can make every movement of ours a good act by doing it for God’s love.

It is very easy to earn heaven.

We must just live for God, heaven is ours.

Lourdu Selvam.

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