Saturday, February 17, 2018

Will of God to be done by us.

Will of God to be done by us.

Where we are to  spend eternity will depend exactly on whether or not our will is united with God's will while we are still alive. 

Daily we say a number of times to our Heavenly Father, "Thy will be done on earth".

Have we ever cared to know what we mean by what we say?

We know that whatever happens in this world happens according to the will of God,  whether we like it or not.

Not even a single atom can move unless God wills it.

Then why do we say,  "Thy will be done"?

It is our duty to do the will of God.

But being spiritually weak we need God's grace to do His will. 

As far as we are concerned, our  "Thy will be done " prayer is
an indirect way of saying,  "Lord, Help me to do Your will. "

God has gifted us with freedom of choice and action,  which He wants us to use to carry out  His will.

But due to our fallen nature we are tempted many a times to go against His will though we know what His will is.

How do we know what His will is?

We know God's will from  the  teaching of Our Lord, Jesus Christ.

The teaching of Jesus has been passed down to us by
our Holy Mother,  the Catholic church. 

It is contained in the Holy Bible,  the written record of the word of God.

What should we do according to Jesus' teaching?

We should obey the commandments of God.

We must renounce ourselves, carry our cross and follow Him.

We must be perfect as our Heavenly Father Is perfect.

We must forgive others. 

We must be merciful towards our neighbours as God is merciful towards us.

We have received freely,  so we must give freely.

We should not judge others.

We should do to others what​ we expect them to do to us.

We should spread the word of God  by our words, and  by our example. 

Jesus became man to do the will of His Father.

We have become Christians to do the will of Jesus, thereby do the will of His Father.

Even our sufferings are the will of God and when we bear them patiently we do the will of God

Even not getting what we pray for is the will of God.

We should thank God not only for what we get but also for we don't get.

God willed  from all eternity  to create us; so we ourselves are the will of God.

So we should thank God for our being itself.

Being ourselves the will of God, we should do His will and earn for ourselves eternal bliss as per His will.

Lourdu Selvam.

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