Saturday, February 3, 2018

"He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd;" (Mark.6:34)

"He had compassion on them, because they were like sheep without a shepherd;"

The Apostles had just returned from their preaching expedition and were tired.

Jesus asked them to go to a lonely place and take some rest.

Jesus took them in a boat.

But knowing where Jesus was going, people went there in advance and were waiting for Him.

Jesus had compassion on them.

They flocked before Him to listen to His words.

Jesus 'had compassion' on them,


they were like sheep without a shepherd.

Of course,  they had their religious leaders, but they did not treat them as they should.

To use Jesus' words,

"They tell you one thing and do another.

4 They fasten up packs too heavy to be borne, and lay them on men’s shoulders; they themselves will not stir a finger to lift them.

5 They act, always, so as to be a mark for men’s eyes. 

Boldly written are the texts they carry, and deep is the hem of their garments;

6 their heart is set on taking the chief places at table and the first seats in the synagogue,

7 and having their hands kissed in the market-place, and being called Rabbi among their fellow men. (Matth.23:3 -7)

So the people could not expect love or kindness from their leaders.

But, Jesus was always





Unlike the Jewish leaders He practiced what He taught.

He healed physical as well as spiritual illness  wherever He went,

physical illness by restoring their  corporal health,


spiritual illness by forgiving their  sins.

"I have come to call sinners to repentance." (Luke.5:32)

"11 The Pharisees saw this, and asked his disciples, How comes it that your master eats with publicans and sinners?

12 Jesus heard it, and said, It is not those who are in health that have need of the physician, it is those who are sick.

 13 Go home and find out what the words mean, It is mercy that wins favour with me, not sacrifice. I have come to call sinners, not the just."

"15 And afterwards, when he was taking a meal in his house, many publicans and sinners were at table with Jesus and his disciples; for there were many of these who followed him.

16 Thereupon the scribes and Pharisees, seeing him eat with publicans and sinners in his company, asked his disciples, How comes it that your master eats and drinks with publicans and sinners?

17 Jesus heard it, and said to them, It is not those who are in health that have need of the physician, it is those who are sick. I have come to call sinners, not the just."
(Mark.2: 15 - 17)

So, we see that Jesus came to the world in search of us, sinners.

He is full of love and compassion for us.

At the time Jesus was born, His Jewish brethren 'were like sheep without a shepherd;'

But now we are not so.

Jesus has given us many shepherds to take care of us.

Our Holy Father,  Bishops and Priests are with us only to take care of us spiritually.

They are our shepherds and we should follow them when they lead to the spiritual pastures, where we must graze our spiritual food and grow in our spiritual life.

They have no other duty but to take care of our spiritual life.

They are supposed to lead a simple and dedicated life

like Jesus Himself,

search for sinners,

lead them to contrition,

forgive their sins,


serve them with Our Lord Himself

as their spiritual food.

We should see Jesus Himself in our spiritual shepherds,

love and obey them


seek their spiritual direction

in our journey

to our eternal home.

We and our shepherds are like two wheels of a bike


our spiritual bike can move

only  if both the wheels move together.

We should thank Jesus for having made us

'sheep with shepherds'

unlike the Jews.

But how do we look at our shepherd, 

as one who cares for us


as one who rules over us with a set of rules and regulations?

Ruling over one is different from caring for one.

A doctor  cares for the physical welfare of the patient under his care.

But a sub-inspector cares more for the law and order situation of the place under his care rather than the welfare of the people living there.

We must look at our Parish priest as a spiritual doctor,  not as an administrator.

In the same way parish priests must give more importance to the spiritual welfare of the faithful under his care rather than administration of the parish.

Jesus has given us only one law, the law of love.

"Love God, love your neighbour as you love yourself."

When one sheep out of hundred is lost, the shepherd leaves the 99 sheep where they are and goes in search of the lost sheep and does not rest until he finds it and brings it back .

The sheep should not leave the care of the shepherd under any situation.

We think  that our parish priests are administrators of parish schools, lands and other institutions.

So we approach them only for administrative purposes.

But they are not administrators, they are spiritual Fathers.

Their only duty is spiritual caring,  not material administration.

Let Christian love be the only guiding principle in our shepherd -sheep relationship.

Lourdu Selvam.

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