Taste and see how sweet Our Lord is!
In human language,
whatever has the pleasant taste of honey is sweet.
We have five senses, each having its own taste.
Normally honey is sweet to the tongue.
The other four senses have their own pleasant feelings, but we have a tendency to use 'sweet' to refer to their tastes too.
We say
sweet words,
sweet smell,
sweet touch,
sweet sight
just as we say
sweet honey.
One poet says, "How sweet Tamil is! "
A mother says, "How sweet my child is! How sweet her voice"
For us Christians the sweetest name in the world is Jesus!
Not only His name, His whole self is sweet!
"Taste and see that the Lord is sweet." says the psalmist.
The sweetness of Jesus is not a material sweetness,
it is a spiritual sweetness, which can be enjoyed by our spirit alone.
It is result of our love for Him.
Jesus is loving and sweet.
How sweet He is for us depends how far we love Him.
Greater our love for Him, Sweeter He is for us.
When we receive Holy Communion, do we feel His sweetness?
One analogy:
Food was served to two persons from the same pot.
One ate with a gusto, the other with no feeling whatsoever.
Why the difference?
The former was extremely hungry, so the food was extremely tasty for him.
The latter's indifference was due to his lack of appetite.
When one receives Holy Communion with extreme love, Jesus will be extremely sweet for him.
We must hunger for Christ, the hungrier we are for for Christ, the sweeter will He be for us.
From the lines written so far,
we can understand that sweetness does not stand for mere taste,
but for the intimacy between the lover and the loved.
Our intimacy with Jesus must be so close
that there should be no space for any other feeling
except for Jesus
to enter between.
Holy Communion must inspire in us His love and sweetness all our life,
which means
that our intimacy with Jesus must be lifelong.
After receiving Jesus in our tongue,
we must take Him to our heart in a procession
with adoring and prayerful thoughts on both His sides,
seat Him there
and be with Him in silent meditation
as long as possible.
We should silently pray for our peace of mind.
Peace of mind is possible only for a sin free and virtuous heart.
So when we pray for peace of mind we pray for the forgiveness for all our sins and for a virtuous life.
As Jesus is Almighty, one Communion properly received can change our whole life.
But we receive Communion often,
some people even daily,
but do we feel any change in our life?
If there is a change for the better every time, well and good.
But if there is no change at all, it only means
that we have not received Our Lord with proper preparation.
Properly received Communion will implant in us God’s own Heart,
which is the seat of all embracing love.
We also will begin to resemble Him in love and sweetness.
Those who see us will see Jesus in us.
We will become carriers of Jesus, whom we can give to whosoever we meet.
When we share Jesus with others we will share His sweetness too.
Everyone we meet will become sweet!
Lourdu Selvam.
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