Monday, June 24, 2019

Man of action.

Man of action.

Being a catholic itself doesn't give us an automatic entry into Heaven.

Only living Catholicism will  lead us into eternal  union with our Creator in heaven.

So instead of bragging ourselves and boasting about our faith

let us look for the things of Heaven and comply with the  law of Jesus,

"Love me and your neighbour.'

Let our love express itself not merely in words,

but in acts of charity as well.

Let us put our differences aside and consider ourselves as the children of the same God,

created for only one purpose, eternal union with Him.

We all came from the same God, only to return to Him and Him alone.

God has has sent us here for 'treasure hunting!'

By 'treasure' I refer to the acts of love, as they alone can earn for us the 'eternal treasure', heaven.

So let us waste no time in hunting for the things of the world, forgetting our real purpose, 'hunting for eternl treasure.

Our Divine Lord is a 'Man of action' , not merely of words.

So, let us do whatever He did.

Let us live Chrst!

Lourdu Selvam .

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