Saturday, December 29, 2018

This is my only wish, Father, that in me Thy will be done.

This is my only  wish,


that  in me Thy will be done.

Dearest God,

we are yours and yours alone.

We love You,

dear God,

for no other reason

except that You are our God.

We do not love You as much as we should,

yet we cleave to You ,

and follow on to know You as much as we can.

You are our  God.

You have  called us according to Your own purpose and grace,

which was given to us in Jesus Christ

even  before the world began.

It becomes a Christian to view everything

as having its place in Your  providence

for accomplishing Your purposes.

Angels, men and even devils perform Your  pleasure.

All things are connected by Your  infinite wisdom and good pleasure.

You superintend every movement of ours,

and direct it to answer Your purpose and end.

You overrule everything that is against  our good;

Sometimes we may feel like losing something

when you take it away from us,

but that too will be for our spiritual good

as per your providence.

It is your wish that

we must  gain by all that occurs;

we must  gain wisdom,


matter for prayer or praise

work for faith, patience, or hope.

Our best interests are always  secured;

Everything is working for the good of the church,

which we love so much as our dearest Mother.

All things on earth, and all in heaven,  depend on Your  eternal will.

Whatever is given to us is given to be used for Your greater glory,

not for our selfish ends.

Whatever you have created
You have given for our use.

It shows Your generosity.

But when we offer them to You,

we wish to give expression only to our good will,

not generosity,

because they are already Yours.

This is my only  wish,


that  in me Thy will be done.

Lourdu Selvam.

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