"But whom do you say that I am?”
"But whom do you say that I am?”
Jesus puts this question to His disciples.
A disciple is one who follows his master closely,
step by step,
surrendering himself to his guidance.
Followers follow their master's teachings,
but disciples follow their master.
One cannot be a true disciple unless he knows his master through and through.
Lots of people followed Jesus to listen to His words and to get cured.
They were like the people of modern times
who attend prayer meetings,
for healing and listening to the preacher.
In fact healing is for attracting people
and preaching for giving them the word of God.
In plain words
healing is honey,
word of God preached is medicine.
In the closer circle were the disciples,
who followed Jesus
wherever He went to listen to His words.
Jesus sent His disciples to other places to do what He did, healing and preaching.
One day Jesus gave an oral test to His disciples, with two questions.
1. Who do people say that the Son of Man is?
2. But whom do you say that I am?
In the first question He introduced Himself as ' the Son of Man'.
Of course the answer is 'Son of God.'
From the reply given by the disciples
we have to conclude
that the people who followed Him
did not know the real identity of Jesus.
Some of them thought that He was
John the Baptist,
some, Elijah,
some, Jeremiah
some, one of the prophets.
So from the words of the disciples we come to know that many people followed Jesus without knowing Him to be the Messiah.
The second question was answered correctly by Peter.
His correct answer earned for him
'the keys to the kingdom of heaven.'
Here we must note one thing.
In the first question, the emphasis was on 'the people.'
In the second question the emphasis was on 'you'.
1. What do 'people' think?
2. What do 'you' think?
The answer to the questions brought out the difference between the disciples and the ordinary people.
I think that Jesus' questions are applicable to today's world too.
We can divide the Christians into two catagories. :
1. disciples,
Each one should decide for himself whether he is a disciple or a follower.
One who sticks to the authentic teaching of the church is a disciple.
He may be a clergy, religious man or a layman.
One who sticks to herd mentality in his belief is merely a follower.
What is herd mentality?
Before answering this question we have to answer another question :
What is truth?
The only answer to this question has already been given by Jesus Himself :
"I am truth."
So, Jesus is truth.
What Jesus has said about Himself is truth.
The possessor of Jesus is the
possessor of truth.
The Holy Apostolic Catholic Church is the only possessor of Jesus and hence has truth.
Only the authentic teaching of the Catholic Church about Jesus is truth.
Whatever we think, speak or write must tally with the teaching of the Catholic Church.
Only one who believes in and practice the truth is a disciple of Jesus.
All the others,
who call themselves followers,
have at the same time different views about Jesus,
just like people of Jesus' time,
cannot be His disciples.
Now a number of churches have sprung up,
calling themselves the followers of Jesus,
but their beliefs are not original Christian beliefs
as they don't tally with Christ's teachings.
Though they call themselves Christians,
they have no respect for His dear Mother,
whom He loved so dearly.
They have no belief in the real presence of Jesus in Holy Eucharist.
They have no belief in the Sacrament of penance, confession.
Those who differ from Catholic Church
pose themselves as Jesus' disciples
and spread their views through the social media
of the modern times.
But they are not disciples of Jesus
as they have no belief in His original teaching
Some people tend to believe in whatever appears in the social media without verifying its veracity.
When one animal in a herd goes one way,
all the other animals follow it blindly
without verifying whether the first one goes the right way.
Of course they cannot verify as they are animals.
One who behaves like a herd in his beliefs is said to have herd mentality.
Today it is very easy to follow the herd mentality due to our blind belief in social media.
Now a days social media is like a river which flows with a mixture of good and gutter water.
All kinds of people,
genuine believers,
non believers etc.
take resort to social media
to give publicity to their views.
We must be careful
against the
circulation of rumours
and unofficial information
about what we must believe
and how we must behave.
Let us be real disciples
and side with Peter
to whom Jesus has entrusted
the keys to the kingdom of heaven.
Lourdu Selvam
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