Friday, June 1, 2018

Fig tree Christian life will wither away.

Fig tree Christian life will wither away.

Why did Jesus curse the fig tree which didn't bear fruit out of season?

Whatever Jesus said or did during His lifetime was to give us a message.

He searched for fruits in a fig tree and finding no fruit He cursed it.

The  tree withered away at His curse.

The important thing to be noted here is

that it was not the season for bearing fruits

and Jesus knew it.

Why did Jesus curse the tree for not giving fruits out of season?

"And seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to see if he could find anything on it. When he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, for it was not the season for figs. 14 And he said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." 

"Next morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree withered to the roots.

21 Peter remembered. 'Look, Rabbi,' he said to Jesus, 'the fig tree that you cursed has withered away.'

22 Jesus answered, 'Have faith in God,"

and proceeded to teach them about prayer and forgiveness.

Peter only 'said to Jesus',

but 'Jesus answered .'

'Answer' means 'say  something as a reaction to someone or something.'

Jesus reacted to what Peter said.

Peter said that the fig tree had withered,

but Jesus reacted with the words 'Have faith in God.'

Then He proceeded to tell them about the importance of prayer and forgiveness.

So there must be some relationship


the withering of the fig tree

and our having  faith.

Jesus gives us an important message about 'faith, prayer and forgiveness'

through His cursing   the fig tree  to wither away.

By nature the fig tree does not give fruits throughout the year.

It gives fruits only for a particular period, which is its fruit season.

Of course it is not the mistake of the tree.

It was God, Jesus, who created the fig tree as a seasonal fruit giving tree.

Then why should He curse His own creation,

for its seasonal fruit giving nature,

which was given to it by Himself?

It was to teach us a lesson.

Our spiritual life,

lived by faith, prayer and forgiveness,

should not be seasonal like a fig tree.

Some people have faith (belief in God) only during victorious seasons.

They think that God is with them

only when they are successful in their efforts.

One student said,

"Thank you, Jesus, for having enabled me to score centum marks in all the subjects."

Suppose he fails in His exam, he will say,

"I don't believe in God. If there is one, He would have answered my prayer with success."

Some people approach God only during difficult periods and forget Him during prosperity.

The people referred to above are seasonal fig tree believers.

Real believers will thank God both in prosperity and adversity. 

"Be thankful whatever happens."

"என்ன நேர்ந்தாலும் நன்றி கூறுங்கள்."

"ஆண்டவர் கொடுத்தார், அவரே எடுத்துக்கொண்டார். அவரது நாமம் போற்றப்பெறுக."

Our faith in God must be strong and lasting.

Some pray to God in need and forget prayer when their need is fulfilled.

Such people are fig tree Christians.

Some forgive only when they are in need of forgiveness for themselves.

But at other times they refuse to forgive

under the cover of standing for justice.

God is just unlimitedly,

but at the same time

His love and mercy too are unlimited.

So He is always ready to forgive.


who bear the image of God,

should always forgive.

just as God does.

Otherwise there is no use of bearing His image.

Jesus wants us to be Christians always, 

not seasonally like fig tree.

   Fig tree Christian life will wither away.

We must always be fruitful in our spiritual life.

Lourdu Selvam.

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