Wednesday, June 6, 2018

God centered or self centered?

God centered or self centered?
Once an earning head of a family died.

A friend of his went to his house to condole with the family members over his death.

The first son said “Our father is the only earning member of our family.

He worked hard to run the family.

He spent all his earning for our education.

I have completed only one year of my college education.

Now my father is dead.

I don’t know what to do continue my education.”

The second son said, “I am just ten years old.

With no father I don’t know what to do.”

The only daughter said, “Our father was all for our family. Without him I don’t know what to do.”

The children’s mother said, ”My husband was very loving.

He loved us very much.

He lived for us.

With his death the whole burden of the family has fallen on me.

I don’t know what to do.”

He consoled them with soft and encouraging words.

That’s all what he could.

After returning home he thought about the grief of the family members and the way how they expressed their grief.

One thing was sure.

They missed him very much.

Why did they miss him?

They were dependent on him for all their needs.

‘They don’t know what to do’ to have their needs fulfilled without him with them.

Their feelings seem to show that they felt sorry more for their loss of help from their father than for their father’s loss of life.

Something deep in our heart tells us that our parents live for us and hence we feel at a loss without them.

This experience of the gentleman in the above anecdote led me to think about ‘man-God relationship’.

God is our Creator.
Just as our father in our house takes care of us, our Heavenly Father takes care of the human race created by Him.

We depend on Him for all our needs of life.

Here a small question arises.

Is our life God-centered or self-centered?

Our catechism tells that God created us to know Him,

love Him, and serve Him.

So it goes without saying that we are supposed to live for God.

Our life must be God centered, not self centered.

All our activities must be motivated by God, not by our selfish interests.

God does not need us to add to His perfection;

even then He treats us as though we are very important to Him.

He loves us as He loves Himself;

that means, His love for us is unlimited.

His love for us is so unlimited that He sent His only Son to sacrifice Himself for us.

As Jesus lived and died for us, we should live and die for Him.

During our prayers we must think more about Him than our needs.

He knows our needs; He will fulfill them even without our asking for it.

We should think more about the Kingdom of God than about us.

Lourdu Selvam

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