"Take; this is my body."
"This is my blood."
" You can have no life in yourselves,
unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man,
and drink his blood."
Jesus said these words to His followers when He was talking to them at Capharnaum.
Jesus meant what He said literally.
How are we to eat His flesh and drink His blood?
Jesus instituted
the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist
during His last supper with His Apostles.
He took the bread and said, "Take; this is my body."
and gave it to them to be eaten.
Then He took the cup of wine and said,
"This is my blood of the covenant."
and gave it to them to be drunk.
At Jesus' words
bread turned into His body
and wine into His blood.
We believe in Jesus and His words,
otherwise we cannot be Christians.
The unbelievers may ask, "How is it possible?''
God created the whole universe out of nothing,
He is Almighty,
which means,
nothing is impossible to Him.
Just ponder over the wonders of nature, created by God.
A single female cell grows into a beautiful baby when united with a single male sperm!
Cow dung turns into fruits when consumed by trees!
Food turns into our blood when eaten!
Science can explain only 'whats' of nature, not 'hows'.
It can explain what happens when trees absorb the manure with their roots,
but it cannot explain how it happens!
It is God's plan what should happen and how it should happen.
Jesus is God.
Can He not turn bread into His flesh when He can create a bread out of nothing?
It is to be always in our midst
in His human nature also
with His real flesh and blood
and to give Himself to us as our spiritual food
that He instituted the Holy Eucharist
during last supper.
He also instituted
the sacrament of Holy orders
whereby His priests were given power
by Himself
to turn bread and wine
into His body and blood
during Holy Mass.
Jesus is really present in the Holy Eucharist .
When we receive Holy Communion
we receive His real flesh and blood
as our spiritual food.
When our Lord Jesus
commands us to eat his flesh and drink his blood,
He invites us to take his life
into the very centre of our being.
" He who eats my flesh,
and drinks my blood,
lives continually in me,
and I in him." (John.6:57)
That life which Jesus offers is the very life of God Himself.
Whenever we receive
Jesus' flesh and blood
we must remember
His atoning death,
His resurrection, and
His promise to return again.
"So it is the Lord’s death
that you are heralding,
whenever you eat this bread and
drink this cup,
until he comes" (1 Corinthians 11:26).
When we receive from the Lord's table
we unite ourselves to Jesus Christ,
who makes us sharers
in his body and blood.
This supernatural food is healing for both body and soul
and strength for our heavenward journey .
When we approach the Table of the Lord,
we receive healing,
rest for our soul.
The principal fruit
of receiving the Eucharist
is an intimate union with Christ.
As bodily nourishment restores lost strength,
the Eucharist strengthens us
in charity
enables us to break with
disordered attachments
to creatures
and to be more firmly rooted
in the love of Christ.
Jesus nourishes and sustains us
with His very own presence and life.
We must always hunger for Jesus
and be satisfied in Him alone.
Lourdu Selvam.
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