Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Hats off to those who can give a positive answer!

Hats off to those who can give a positive answer!

When we receive Holy Communion

1.Our mind is enlightened with a special grace.

2. We feel and enjoy the real presence of Jesus, who is not only with  us but also in us.

3. We feel and enjoy the Divine love which is behind Jesus' union with us.

The  Eucharist is the sacrament of love.

Of course all the sacraments are God's gifts for us and are proofs of His love for us.

But in the Eucharist,
God reveals the law of love.

By nature love loves and wants to be loved.

Jesus, God of love, loves us and wants to be loved by us.

So, it is to love us and to be loved by us that He comes to us during Holy Communion.

Holy Communion is not a time for making petitions,

it is a time for meditating on Jesus' love for us.

' One liners ' like

'Jesus,  I love you,'

'You are my love,  Jesus,'

'Jesus, I put my trust in you,'  

'Jesus, you are my all,'

will be helpful in our meditation on the love of Jesus.

What is love?

It is a free gift of God, given to us at the time of our baptism

and whenever we receive the other sacraments.

That is why the Holy Spirit,

who, as love, proceeds from the First and Second Persons of the Most Holy Trinity,

comes into our soul as a free Gift from God

when we were baptized.

How do we recognize love?

By what it gives.

Our Lord gives us in the Holy Eucharist:

not only  His graces

but Himself, 

the source of every gift.

Jesus' love for us is like that our mother for us.

Our mother is fully at our service,

not only by giving birth to us,

but also by feeding us with her milk turned blood.


besides having created us

is feeding us spiritually

with His own body and blood.

One who does not know the Eucharist

does not know the love of God!

To know God’s love for us fully,

we must  receive the Eucharist, and then look within us.

There we can recognize Jesus

with His divine love

seated in our heart

filling it with  the grace of love.

When our heart is full of the grace of love,

we will be able to love God and our neighbour as we should. 

After the last supper, that is, after Jesus  had fed His Apostles with the Eucharist,

He said to them,

"Love me as a brother, intimately, with a love that is your life and the law of your life.”

“I will not now call you servants . . . but friends"

"Whatsoever I have received of my Father I have given to you;

you are my friends,

because to you I have confided the secret of my majesty.”

So we see that Eucharist brings about a change in the relationship between Jesus and His Apostles.

The same change is effected in our relationship with Jesus during Eucharistic union.

If we do not receive Communion,

we can love our Lord only as our Creator, our Redeemer, and our Rewarder,

but, after receiving Holy Communion

we will be able to see in Him our Friend.

Communion gives us the grace of love.

In order to love Jesus Christ as a Friend we need a special grace.

True we are servants of  God as we are supposed to serve Him.

But during Holy Communion Jesus enters our soul not as a Master,

but as our friend and brother.

It is because, as we have seen,  Eucharist is a Sacrament of love.

When we see Jesus as our Master we fear and respect Him.

During Holy Communion we love Him as our brother and friend,

and this relationship increases our intimacy.

After resurrection Jesus told Mary Magdalene,

“Go to my brethren.”


His brethren?

Can there be a higher title?

Yet the Apostles had received Communion only once!

What will it be for those who, like us, have received Him so often?

Us also He calls 'brethren'

as His flesh and blood have got united with ours

the moment we consume the communion host .

The moment we take in jesus' blood,

we enter into a blood relationship with Him.

Besides all these,  another transformation begins to take place within our soul.

Just bring back to your mind the activities of Zacchaeus,

which would have entered deep into your memory

during Gospel reading.

Just remember his reaction
when our Lord accepted his hospitality!

He received Him with joy.

He was ready to give half of his goods to the poor.

He promised to give back
fourfold of the wronged amount to any person wronged by him

He was ready to atone for any wrong done.

Jesus rewarded the members of the house with salvation.

Zacchaeus Welcomed jesus only once.

But we have welcomed Him into our hearts by receiving Holy Communions countless times.

Have we ever reacted like Zacchaeus?

Let us make an examination of conscience for a few minutes.

Hats off to those who can give a positive answer!

One Holy communion with such a reaction is enough to make us saints.

Lourdu Selvam.

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