Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Let us be active participants, not passive spectators.

Let us be active participants, not passive spectators.

'Holy Sacrifice of the Mass' offered by our priests is

exactly the same sacrifice

that Jesus Christ offered on the Cross at Calvary,

with difference in manner.

on the cross Christ shed His blood and was put to death,

while in the Mass there is no new immolation of the Victim,

but only a new offering.

It is the priest who is offering the Mass,

but is not for himself alone,

but for the whole Christian community, 

which should be spiritually united with the priest

while the Mass is offered.

But it is a sad fact that

most of us

merely attend Mass,

without participating in it.

We attend the Mass



and with distractions.

Attendants are only spectators,  not doers.

But  participants offer the Mass together with the celebrant.

We should participate with such an ardour and fervour

that we should feel one with the celebrant, offering Mass.

In Holy Mass, Jesus continues to sacrifice Himself as amendment for our sins,

and to offer Himself to His Father, to obtain for us what is needed for our spiritual and material welfare.

Jesus offers Himself through the ministry of the priest,

who makes the offering in the name of all the faithful.

The faithful too must offer the Mass

in union with the priest.

That the Mass is offered  for the spiritual welfare of the

faithful also is indicated

by the words of the Canon :

“for whom we offer,

or who offer up to You this sacrifice of praise.”

This means that the faithful also are invited to offer the divine Victim with the priest.

Mediator Dei (a papal encyclical,  issued by Pope Pius XII on 20 November 1947) : states it thus:

“to unite their intentions of




and thanksgiving

with those of the priest, or better,

the Sovereign Priest Himself.”

Our dear Mother Mary  took an active part in the Passion of her Son.

From the very start she knew

that Her Son was born

only to sacrifice Himself

as amendment for the sins of the world.

She grew Him up as a sacrificial Lamb.

She followed Him on the way of the Cross

and was with Him till the very last.

she united herself with His intentions,

and offered Him to the Father.

In the same way,

when we are present at the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,

we, too, should  offer the the divine Victim, Jesus, to His  Father.

The sacrificed Victim  is ours,


He offered and immolated Himself

for all of us.

Our praise,



expiations are only poor things;

but if we give them to God united with those of Jesus,

they will become valuable and acceptable to Him through His Sacrifice.

Jesus, the Head of the Mystical Body,

sacrificed Himself for us,

His members;

and being our Head,

He belongs to us.

Although Jesus  immolated Himself wholly on Calvary for our salvation,

He wills to perpetuate His immolation on our altars.

Holy Mass is offered

at every moment ,

at one place another,

throughout the day

throughout the world.

In other words,

we are continuously offering

Our Lord, Jesus

to His Heavenly Father

in expiation for our sins.

When we say our morning prayers,

let us inform our Heavily Father

that we are spiritually united

with all the Holy Masses

offered throughout the world

together with our intentions.

Our loving Father will surely keep our share of whatever is spiritually gained through the Masses said.

Lourdu Selvam

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