Monday, May 21, 2018

What do we learn from the parable of ‘Prodigal son’?

What do we learn from the parable of ‘Prodigal son’?

Jesus was a very good Teacher.

He presented His lessons to suit the psychology of those who listened to Him.

His method of speaking to the learned Jews was different from the one he used while speaking to the ordinary people.

Ordinary people followed Him to get cured and to listen to His teaching.

Many of the learned ones followed Him with the view of criticizing and finding fault with Him.

He spoke to ordinary people in parables.

Every parable had a moral to convey.

What is the moral of parable of ‘Prodigal son’?

Everyone knows the parable.
So, no need to repeat it.

Let us concentrate on the lesson we learn from it.

When the prodigal son asks for his share the property, his father gives it to him.

Even when he goes away with his share of his wealth, the father does not seem to stop him from going away.

This shows that God does not interfere into our freedom.

He has created us with the intellect to distinguish between right and wrong.

He has also given us a freedom of choice and action.

We are responsible for our choice and action. 

When the prodigal son repents for his prodigality and returns home his father accepts him unconditionally.

He even celebrates his return with a sumptuous feast.

This shows that God is ready to forgive us the moment we repent for our sins how grave they may be.

God is our loving Father.

He can only love, not hate.

Love is an attribute of God.

There cannot be contradictory attributes in Him.

So He cannot hate us.

We should not wound such a loving Father with our sins.

If we have wounded Him let us repent for our sins and return to Him.

He will forgive us and accept us with an embrace.

Lourdu Selvam.

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