Thursday, May 3, 2018

We are always thankful to you, Jesus,

We are always thankful to you, Lord  Jesus.

We must always be thankful to God, whatever happens in our life.

We all  know that God is Almighty.

This knowledge is good, 

but this good knowledge sometimes  turns some people against God.

One friend of mine complains thus against God:

"You go about saying that we are all children of God.

But wherever we turn we see evil,

because of which our life has become an ocean of sufferings.

If God is Almighty and we are His children,

why does he allow  sufferings in our life? "

This is like a child saying to his father,

''Dad, you say you love me. I know you are very rich. But why don't you permit me to go the theatre daily  which needs only a few hundreds? "

Every good father knows that the child's argument is childish.

So is my friend's argument against God.

Because it is based on misunderstanding God's stand in His human beings-related behaviour.

First of all what we think natural calamities are not calamities at all.

They are just events of nature, subject to natural laws and hence they are not evils.

The only evil in the world is sin and that is our product.

God is not responsible for it.

Second,  what we think sufferings are in fact blessings of God.

Many a times we misunderstand the word 'blessing'.

Whatever brings good in our life  is a blessing for us.

The problem is that  we take 'good' to refer to health, wealth and prosperity in our life.

We forget we are spiritual beings


good in our life must refer to whatever is useful for our spiritual life.

Our spiritual Leader is Jesus.

If He is our Leader,  we are bound to follow Him as per His directions.

"And he said to all: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me."  (Luke. 9:23)

We know the meaning of 'cross'.

For the followers of Jesus cross,  that is, suffering is a blessing.

That is why our Rev. Fathers bless us with the sign of the cross.

We begin every work with the sign of the cross.

People can be divided into two categories depending upon their  mindset:

1. Optimists,  with a positive mindset.

2. Pessimists,  with a negative mindset.

Optimists see only the bright side of things, and pessimists, the dark side.

Spiritually speaking, optimisits will see resurrection in the crucifixion.

Optimists will see a sweet baby in the labour pain.

Pessimists will see a life burden in the baby.

Optmists will see God's hand in all the events which they come across.

They know that God is their loving Almighty Father.

As a Father He can never intend any harm to them.

Nothing can happen without the permission of God.

So whatever happens will be for their good.

So they will accept whatever happens in their life with a happy heart.

They will always be thankful to God.

They will never complain, there is nothing in their life to complain about.

Hope is as important to them as is Faith and Charity.

They are always sure that they will be one day in Heaven with God.

We need not say anything about pessimists, as there is nothing in them to follow. 

Let us see only the bright side of things, because God is always bright.

"I am the light of the world," said Jesus.

Let us always walk in His light.

"We are always thankful to you, Jesus,  for we are sure that you are always with us, leading us with Your kindly light in our heavenward journey."

Lourdu Selvam.

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