Saturday, October 21, 2017

"When you did it to one of the least of my brethren here, you did it to me." (Matthew.25:40)

"When you did it to one of the least of my brethren here, you did it to me."

'Charity' is one the three Theological virtues, which means 'love'.

Of the three Theological virtues we won't have Faith and Hope after death.

Charity will be with us for ever.

Charity includes our love for God and love for our neighbours.

It also refers to our external acts love, which proceed from our internal love.

A charitable Person is one always at the service of others for the love of God.

Love for God and love for the neighbours must go hand in hand.

One without the other is not possible.

Can we say to God, "l love you, but I don't love your children."


"I love only your children, not you?"

Both the statements are not possible.

We cannot help God, because He is perfect and does not need anybody's help.

So, Jesus says, "when you did it to one of the least of my brethren here, you did it to me."

Whenever we help our neighbours we help Jesus.

It goes without saying that when we insult our neighbours we insult Jesus.

Helps done for wrong reasons such as: self glorification,
mere obligation,
considering it as a burden and expecting greater help are not meritorious before God.

It is not the act, but the intention with which it is done that decides whether act is meritorious or not

Glory of God must be our only intention.

True charity is loving God above all things for His own sake.

True charity makes a person humble.

Because, pride is a satanic sin and against service.

Humility is Divine Virtue because Almighty God humbled Himself to the status of a human being in order to redeem him from sin.

Just think of Our Lady.

She  knew that the child conceived in her womb was God, but she did not become proud of her status as Mother of God.

But most humbly she went to Elizabeth and was helpful to her till her labour.

Mother of God is our perfect model for the virtue of humility.

Just think of St. Theresa Calcutta.

It was her humility together with Charity that enabled her to serve the poorest of the poor.

If she could serve even lepers with a smile on her face, it was due to her Charity and humility.

'Service' and 'servant' are related words.

Whatever be one's social status, he must first become a servant mentally before beginning his service.

Let us examine our conscience to see how far we love God and our neighbours and how far we serve them for the love of God.

Lourdu Selvam

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