Sunday, October 15, 2017

Many are called, but few are chosen.( Matthew.22:14)

Many are called, but few are chosen.(Matthew.22:14)

The above are Jesus' words, said at the end of the parable of ' the marriage feast given by a king,' to give an image of the kingdom of Heaven

Before interpreting any Biblical Verse we must keep in mind some basic facts, which will never change.

1. God created man, out of His love, to give him eternal life, not perdition.

2. He blessed him with freedom of choice.

3. Jesus came into the world to save us, not to damn us.

4. It is left to man to make the correct choice.(Heaven or Hell)

Jesus tells us the parable of  'the marriage feast given by a king,' to give us an image of the kingdom of heaven.

Some invitees refuse to come to attend the feast giving excuses.

Among the people who attend  the feast, one man is found without  wedding  garment and he is punished for that.

At the end of the parable Jesus says "Many are called, but few are chosen."

Both the clauses are in the passive voice.

In grammar, if the subject of a sentence is active (-doing the act,) the sentence is said to be in the active voice.

If the subject is passive ,(allowing what happens to it) the sentence is said to be in the passive voice

When we read 'few are chosen' we feel to think that 'few' are chosen, themselves making no choice.

We may also feel to think that the 'others' are rejected themselves making no choice.

If we think that way,  our conclusion is wrong as it is against the basic facts.

God does not reject anybody, it would be against own will.

"It is what God, our Saviour, expects of us,  since it is his will that all men should be saved." (1Thimothy. 2:3,4).

Let me give you one analogy:

Hundred candidates went to attend one interview.

They were given a written test.

To be eligible for selection they should score above fifty marks.

Forty candidates scored above fifty.

Ordinarily speaking we would say forty candidates were selected and sixty were rejected.

But the fact is forty candidates made themselves fit for selection, others made themselves unfit for selection.

The selection committee acted according to the rules.

It is the candidates who were responsible for selection and rejection.

In the same way, God has made it a rule that people with sanctifying grace can enter Heaven and those without it can enter only hell.

So, depending on our having or not having sanctifying grace we either accept or reject God.

God wills that all of us are saved.

His love for us is so great that He cannot will otherwise.

It is because of His will not to lose us when we broke His commandment, He sent His only son to amend for our sins by sacrificing Himself on the Cross.

If we accept God's will as our will and carry it out with His grace we go to Heaven.

Otherwise we cannot.

God does not reject anybody; sinners reject God.

All the human beings are called by God.

Many have entered our Catholic Church accepting the call.

How many of us will go to Heaven?

It depends upon our having the wedding garment, sanctifying grace, with us.

We have been blessed with sanctifying grace at our baptism.

We should be careful not to lose it.

If we happen to lose it by committing mortal sin, we should get it back by contrition and confession

Let us pray to God to help us to keep our wedding garment safe.

Lourdu Selvam.


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