Hardware and software in creation.
Many may be thinking that 'Hardware and software' engineering belongs to the modern scientific technology, invented by man.
But we must remember that God created man in His image.
Man invented this technology making use of the intellect God has shared with him.
But the real engineer is God, who did not invent, but created this technology.
He created the whole universe together with the laws of nature, the former hardware and the latter software.
Water is a hardware and the God written program according to which it functions is its software.
When heated water evaporates. Why? God has programed it so.
We can see the hardware and its functioning, but we cannot see the programed software, the law of nature, which is behind the function.
All the heavenly bodies, including earth, are hardwares.
The law of gravitation, which keeps them in their orbits without clashing with one another, is the software.
God applied the same technology to living beings also.
Body is their hardware.
The life which activates them is the software.
Once their life is gone they become carcasses
Carcass is a matter programed to decay.
Man was created with ' body and soul' , the former hardware and the latter software.
Our soul was created in the image of God, with intellect, mind and love.
Our body is like that of any other animal with some extra fittings to suit our soul's functioning.
As our animal body is activated by a spiritual soul, we are called 'rational animals'.
I compared our soul to a software programed into our body, which I compared to a hardware.
But there is vast difference between our soul and the software of other material things and the non-souled animals.
All other created things except man function as they are programed and they are not responsible for any of their functions.
But God created man's soul in His image and an important attribute God shared with him is freedom of will.
God being a self-existent eternal being, He enjoys full freedom of will and action which cannot be questioned by anybody.
He has blessed us with freedom of will and action and hence we are responsible for each and every one of our actions.
But our freedom is not unconditional as God's is.
No one can question God's freedom.
God will not interfere in our freedom, but He has every right to question our choice if it goes wrong, because He has given us the freedom to make the right choice.
Then why did He give us freedom, if we are expected to choose according to His Will?
Because only freely done acts are meritorious to be rewarded.
A dog cannot be rewarded because it is not responsible for any of its actions and hence it cannot claim a reward.
But each and every good act of ours, however small it is, is meritorious before God.
What is the reward promised for our free right choice?
God Himself.
Yes, God will give Himself as a reward for our good life.
What will happen if we make the wrong choice?
We will loose Him for ever if we make the wrong choice.
What is to be chosen if it is to be right?
He has given us just two commandments, which we must obey. We must choose obedience to His commandments.
1. "Love me with your whole heart".
2. "Love your neighbour as you love yourself."
How sweet are the commandments!
St. Augustine said, "Love and do as you like."
Yes. We can do anything provided it is not against God's will.
Love and sin cannot coexist.
Can light and darkness be together?
Whole hearted love for God and for our neighbours alone is the entry ticket to Heaven!
It is a free ticket!
How blessed are we!
Lourdu Selvam.
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