Thursday, October 26, 2017

The fountain of our spiritual joy.

The fountain of our spiritual joy.

We have been created to be happy for ever with God.

Here on earth we are with a body and soul.

What is enjoyed by our body is pleasure.

What is enjoyed by our soul is joy.

Pleasure is temporal, joy is spiritual.

Spiritual joy is the joy that our
heart  experiences in the possession and enjoyment of spiritual gifts

We are joyful because we know that God has deigned to call us His friends and His children.

He protects us by His Providence.

We believe in Him and hope to be  united with Him in eternal bliss.

"You are to be perfect, as your
Heavenly Father is perfect." said Jesus.

We are journeying towards perfection.

All those who are on the way to perfection are happy.

All the riches of the world are nothing when compared to this happiness.

The very thought that we are the  children and friends of God and  heirs to His kingdom makes us joyful.

Some may think even worldly things can make us happy.

Tasty food gives pleasure to the body.

Together with the enjoyment of pleasure we are happy also.

But we cannot compare this happiness with our spiritual happiness.

Happiness we gain through eating lasts only as long as food is on our tongue.

Once it enters the throat the taste disappears together with the happiness it generated.

The happiness we get on our pay day goes on decreasing till the last rupee  in the purse and turns into worry when the last rupee is gone.

The same amount of happiness a beggar gets when he gets just one rupee can be got by a rich man  only if he gets one lac.

Temporal happiness is short lived.

It cannot give us permanent satisfaction.

The need for the worldly things will go on increasing to give us the same amount of happiness which we got in the beginning.

If just ten rupees were enough to make us happy in boyhood, we would need thousands in youth, and the need will go on increasing and a day will come when the whole world won't be enough to make us happy.

But Spiritual joy is different.

It is the Almighty God who gives us Spiritual joy.

From the very beginning unlimited God is behind our happiness.

So the need cannot increase as in the case of worldly joy.

Our joy will go on increasing depending on the intensity of our union with Him.

The more we meditate on Him, the more will be our joy.

The more we feel His presence within us, the more will be our joy.

The more we dedicate ourselves to Him, the more will be our joy

In the case of temporal happiness we have to go in search of the things.

The happiness comes from without

In the case of Spiritual joy, the unlimited God is already within us.

We must feel His presence within us.

Spiritual joy comes from within us.

Our heart is the fountain of our
Spiritual joy.

The same heart is the temple of the Holy Spirit, from whom proceeds love and joy.

The poorest  from the worldly point of view can be the richest Spiritually.

At the end of our life the world will not come with us.

But God who is with us now will be with us for ever.

We will be perfect as Jesus desires, as we will be united with God who is perfect.

Lourdu Selvam.

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