Joyful mysteries.
Jesus in the temple when He was twelve.
Points for meditation.
1. Every year, the Holy Family used to go up to Jerusalem for the paschal feast.
When Jesus was twelve years old, they went to Jerusalem temple as usual at the time of the feast.
2. After completing the days of its observance, they set about their return home.
But the boy Jesus continued His stay in Jerusalem without the knowledge of His Mother and foster father.
They thought that He was among their travelling companions.
3. After journeying for a day they enquired their kinsfolk and acquaintances if Jesus was with them.
Having received a negative answer
they made their way back to Jerusalem in search of Him.
4. After three days they found Him in the temple.
He was sitting in the midst of those who taught there, listening to them and asking them questions.
5. All those who heard Him were in amazement at His quick understanding and at the answers He gave.
His Mother said to Him, ,"My Son, why hast Thou treated us so? Think, what anguish of mind Thy father and I have endured, searching for Thee."
Anguish means agony. It reminds me of two things.
First the words of Simeon: A sword will pierce thy heart.
The agony she endured at not being able to see her Son just for three days reveals the depth of her love for Him.
How will be her agony when she sees her Son crucified on the Cross?
All for our sins!
We are responsible for the agony of our loving Mother.
Secondly, the agony of our Lord in the garden of Gethsemane.
I think that the agony of Our Lady is included in the joyful mysteries to give us a link to the first of the sorrowful mysteries, the agony of Our Lord.
6. Our Lord asked them, "What reason had you to search for me? Could you not tell that I must needs be in the place which belongs to My. Father?"
Jesus came into the world to do the will of His Father.
So whatever He does in our life too will be according to His Father's will.
It was according to the will of His Father that He remained in the temple without making it known to His parents.
Our heart is the temple of God. It belongs to Him. He is always there ready to converse with us.
We must look into us to find Him.
7. "These words which he spoke to them were beyond their understanding"
Sometimes we may not be able to understand the words of God.
But we must accept them as they are from our Father.
A patient must take the medicine prescribed by the Doctor to get cured.
He should not say, "I will take the medicine only if I know the full details about it."
A patient should have faith in the doctor before going to him for treatment.
We need not know how a food is made to taste it.
We accept the articles of Faith though we don't understand them because we have Faith in God.
8. "His mother kept in her heart the memory of all this."
Our Lord's words were beyond her understanding. But she accepted them and kept them in her heart.
Our Lady is our example in matters of Faith. Let us walk in the foot steps of our Mother and we will reach her Son
9." He went down with them on their journey to Nazareth, and lived there in subjection to them."
Jesus is God with unlimited power, but He was obedient to His Mother, a human being.
The most important thing we have to learn from Lord is obedience.
Obedience to Divine Will is starting point of our spiritual life.
Obedience to our parents, our spiritual Fathers, precepts of the Church and above all the commandments of God is our ID card to enter Heaven.
10. Dearest Jesus,
Your Father's will is Your will.
Your will is our will.
Help us do Your will.
Let Your will lead into
Life everlasting.
Lourdu Selvam
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