Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?(Luke.11:40)

Did not He who made the outside make the inside also?(Luke.11:40)

One day I went to a watch store in Nellai to buy for me a new watch.

The seller placed before me a number of watches with variety of designs.

I chose the one with an attractive design and bought it.

After setting the correct time, I came to the bus stand to catch the bus home.

A friend of mine boarded the bus with me.

When we arrived at Pavoorchatram,  I looked at my watch to see how long we had travelled.

My friend too did the same.

To our wonder we found out
that I had taken two hours to cover the distance from Nellai to Pavoorchatram while friend had taken just one hour!

How was it?

My watch had run faster than the bus!

The best looking watch with the worst performance possible!

Most attractive exterior with the most hateful interior!

Most of the human beings are like this: their exterior and interior don't tally with each other.

A mouth with sweet words and a mind with bitter thoughts!

Seemingly exterior acts of service with interior cent per cent business mindedness! Our politicians belong to this category.

Both our exterior and interior were created by God.

God created us with a body and a soul.

The body is the exterior, which can be seen.

Our soul is the interior, which cannot be seen.

Our soul activates our body and our body must cooperate with our soul.

Our soul was created for eternal life, which is its only purpose.

Our body must be helpful to our soul to attain the purpose.

Our soul which is a spirit, is subject to  God given moral laws.

Our body is a matter, subject to laws of nature.

Both the laws are subject to God's authority.

As our body is to be helpful to our soul in the attainment of its purpose, eternal life, it must cooperate with the soul in observance of the moral laws.

Those who don't observe the moral laws interiorly, but merely make an outward show of observing them  are called  'hypocrites'.

"Woe upon you, scribes and Pharisees, you hypocrites that are like whitened sepulchres, fair in outward show, when they are full of dead men’s bones and all manner of corruption within." (Matthew.33:27)

A hypocrite is one who is Interiorly corrupt, but exteriorly pious.

When a Pharisee invited Jesus to dine with him,  He did not perform the ceremonial washing of hands before beginning the meal.   

Washing of hands is a hygienic  practice for us, but it was a ritual for the Pharisees.

Did Jesus forget or was he deliberately performing a sign to reveal something to his host? 

I think that Jesus did not perform the ritual in order to teach Pharisee a lesson.

Which is more important to God - clean hands or a clean mind and heart?

Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for harbouring evil thoughts that make us unclean spiritually - such as greed, pride, bitterness, envy, arrogance, and the like.

Our interior must be full of love, which will express itself in giving freely and generously to those in need.

Outward acts of  love, compassion, kindness, and mercy will overflow from our pure and loving interior.

If the heart is full of love and compassion,  there is no room for envy, greed, bitterness, and the like.

God's love must transform our heart, mind, and actions.

Some people give more importance to beautifying their body than to purifying their soul.

Our body must be subservient to our soul in our Heavenward journey.

Lourdu Selvam.

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