Why did Mary marry Joseph?
The other day one friend of mine asked me a question.
"Our Lady offered her virginity to God when she was a girl. Then why did she marry?"
Joachim and Ann did not have a child till they were very old.
They prayed to God to give them a child.
They made a vow that they would offer their child to the service of God in the temple if they were given a child.
God heard their prayer and Ann gave birth to a female child.
They named her Mary.
When Mary was three years old Her parents took her to the temple.
Joachim set her down upon the third step of the altar, and the Lord God sent grace upon her and she danced with her feet climbing up the steps without turning back.
She served God in the temple till she was fourteen.
Our Lady vowed virginity during her years of service in the Temple
Zachariah, the High Priest at the temple, was her religious educator and Spiritual Director.
When she was fourteen Zachariah decided to give her in marriage to somebody who would be the guardian to her virginity.
He left it to God to choose the right person.
He invited widowers to come to the temple, from among whom he was to choose the right person to marry Mary.
Many widowers came and among them was Joseph.
Each one of them was given a rod.
Zachariah prayed God to choose the guardian of Mary's virginity.
The rod in Joseph's hands put forth lily flowers, as a sign that God had chosen him as Mary's spouse and the guardian of her virginity.
Joseph and Mary made an agreement, before being betrothed, that they would live as a brother and sister all their life.
Joseph accepted Mary as his wife fully knowing he was to be the guardian of her virginity.
Mary was a virgin all her life.
Mary married Joseph only on condition that she would remain a virgin all her life.
Lourdu Selvam.
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