Saturday, October 28, 2017

"On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets."(Matthew.22:40)

"On these two commandments depend all the law and the prophets."(Matthew.22:40)

The whole universe can be described just in one word, 'love', because it was created from nothing by the love of God.

The whole Bible from the first chapter till the last can be described just in one word, 'love', because it reveals God's love for the whole human race.

By nature God is love,  so whatever proceeds from Him reveals His love.

As God is by nature love, when He created man He shared this attribute with him

It is because of this love inherent in man that  the human family is kept together, in spite of the weed plant seeds  sown by Satan into the fallen nature of man.

God loves Himself and man created by God loves himself.

Taking this love for granted, Jesus has commanded us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.

God wants His love for man to be reciprocated.

That is why Jesus asks us to love God with our whole heart.

God is perfect.

He does not need anything from anyone to add to His perfection. Perfection cannot be made more perfect.

But God wants us to love Him for our good.

God has created us to be united with His love for ever.

For this there must be mutual love between God and us, that is, we must love God as God loves us.

In order to make us partake in God's love for all eternity, Jesus wants us to love Him as He loves us.

He is our beginning and our end, that is, we came from Him and are to return to Him.

In obedience to the first commandment,

We  love  God.

Love is between 'us' and 'God.'

Love unites 'us' with 'God'.

In obedience to the second commandment, we love our neighbours.

Love unites us with our neighbours.

So, love is the uniting agent. It unites us with God and our neighbours.

Here we note one point: if we love God, not our neighbours or if we love our neighbours, not God, our love is not real love and is not worth its name.

All the ten commandments given by God through Moses and all the  directions given by God through His Prophets are included in these two commandments.

True love is never passive, it is always active.

God's love is active - it is because of love God created us and is protecting us by His Providence.

Our love for our neighbours must be active - it must express itself in our acts of love and kindness.

All the human beings must be united by their mutual acts of help.

We must really be helpful to one another.

Our Lord Jesus is the perfect Model to be followed in our life of mutual love and help.

Jesus was helpful and obedient to His Mother and foster father.

Even at the last moment of His life, He was helpful to His Mother by entrusting her into the hands of His disciple John, to care for her after His death.

During His public life He did good to people wherever He went and cured whoever was ill.

Multitudes of people followed Him to listen to His words and to be cured by Him.

We, His followers, must do good to whosoever we meet, thereby making them realize that followers of Jesus do only good.

According to Jesus the second commandment is 'like' the first commandment.

We can give expression to our love for God only through our love and service for our neighbours.

Lourdu Selvam 

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