What is the kingdom of God like?
Where is the Kingdom of God?
The phrase 'Kingdom of God' can be taken in two senses.
1. 'Kingdom with its citizens'.
In this sense, all the followers of Jesus who live according to His teachings, carrying out the will of our Heavenly Father are the citizens of the kingdom of God.
All the Christians belong to this Kingdom; but if one doesn't maintain cordial relationship with God due to his life without sanctifying grace, he will be considered as one attending the wedding feast without 'wedding garment.'
2. The Kingdom of Jesus is in our heart.
We offer our heart as His throne where from He reigns over us.
Our love, thoughts, words and actions are subject to His Rule.
We love Him,
We think about Him.
We speak to Him and about Him,
We serve Him by our acts of love and kindness.
Jesus compares the kingdom of God to small mustard seed.
Though it is tiny it grows to be a tree which attracts numerous birds, because they love the little black mustard seeds it produces.
1. In its broader sense, the kingdom of God which has a small beginning in the land of the Israelites will spread throughout the whole world, including all the human beings into it.
In another place Jesus said, "The kingdom of God is here, within you." ( Luke.17:21)
In this statement 'here' refers the place being where He was preaching; 'you' refers to the Jews who were listening to Him.
He was the Messiah, the expected King of the Israelites, the king of the Kingdom of God.
So kingdom of God, which had its beginning in Judea, spread throughout the whole by the power of the Holy Spirit and the preaching of the Apostles.
2. The kingdom of God starts from the smallest beginnings in our hearts which are receptive to God's word.
It completely transforms us from within.
It transforms our human thoughts, words and actions into those of Christians, that is, Christ bearers.
After this transformation we think, speak and behave like Christ.
Each and every Christian is the kingdom of God.
Jesus compares the kingdom of God to the leaven which a woman takes and hides in three measures of flour, till it is all leavened.
Leaven is a powerful transforming agent.
Left to itself the mixture of flour and liquid remains what it is and how it is.
But when the leaven is added to it a transformation takes place which produces rich and wholesome bread when heated.
In the same way, the word of God, whence proceeds His kingdom, transforms not only our life but that of whole world fully.
When we yield to Jesus Christ, our life is transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit who dwells in us.
The Holy Spirit, dwelling in our heart as our King, transforms our life into one pleasing to Him.
We are no more children of the world; we have become children of God.
Daily we pray to our Heavenly Father, "Thy Kingdom come."
We pray for the kingdom of God to come into our heart.
We also pray that the whole world become the kingdom of God.
We are sure our prayer will be heard.
Lourdu Selvam.