Saturday, November 4, 2017

Queen of all the virtues.

Queen of all the virtues.

Humility is a virtue that enables us to see us as we really are before God.

God created us from nothing and nothing cannot possess anything by itself.

Hence whatever we have, including our body and soul, belong to Him.

Not even a single cell in our body belongs to us.

The freedom of will and choice we enjoy is His gift for us.

The talents we have also are His gifts to us.

We cannot be proud of anything good in us.

We can accept what is good in us, but  as only God's gift to us.

Humility is not thinking low of us, but accepting us as we really are.

We must be thankful to God for the gifts He has blessed us with.

Our Lady is the perfect model of real humility.

"Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; "

When she was offered the honour of being the Mother of God, she accepted herself being the servant of God.

Servantship was her reality and motherhood was a gift and Our Lady accepted this fact with humility.

"And Mary said, My soul magnifies the Lord;  my spirit has found joy in God, who is my Saviour,  because he has looked graciously upon the lowliness of his handmaid." 

This is how Our Lady offers her thanks and praise to God who has blessed her with the gift of  being the mother of God Himself.

She magnifies God for whatever He has done to her.

We should follow the example of our Mother in our life.

Humility is the virtue of the Queen of Heaven and earth.

So it is worthy of being called 'the queen of all the virtues.'

Humble people will never feel proud of the talents God has given them, but will use them with  utmost sincerity in His  service, for His greater glory, not for self glorification.

Jesus, whose followers we are, is Almighty God.

But He humbled Himself to the level of a man by His birth through a human Mother in order to raise us from our sin

We can call ourselves His followers only if we serve Him with humility.

Satan is very tricky in his activities, aimed at drawing us away from God.

If he fails to succeed in his attempt to make us  do sin he will allow us to do good.

But at the end he will try to pluck away the fruits of our good work by tempting us to feel proud of our work.

We should be careful not to fall a prey to such a temptation.

Only good works done with humility are meritorious before God.

A good work can be done only with the grace of God.

So merit for the good work goes to God.

God in His generosity gifts us the merit together with reward for it.

We do the good work for the glory of God and are rewarded for it.

Lourdu Selvam.

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