Saturday, September 9, 2017

When will we be worthy of our name, Christians?

When will we be worthy of our name, Christians?
We are all social beings.

Our family is a miniature society.

Family members are related with one another.

We know that our love with one another is the life giving force of our relationship.

We know it,  but have we ever thought of it?

What is the difference between knowing and thinking?

Suppose we go to a restaurant to take our evening tiffin.

The snacks placed before us by the waiter are unusually tasty.

We take the snacks with unusual gusto.

At the end  the waiter asks, "Want anything more?"

At that time we think of our dear ones at home.

They also should taste what we have tasted.

We order for a parcel to be taken home.

We know that we have wife and children at home.

But we think of them at that time and buy snacks for them too.

What makes us think of them?

Love. Our love for our family members.

People with no love for others will think of nobody except themselves.

Why so long an introduction for a small article?

The theme of the article is so important.

We talk to God daily by way of prayer.

We make Him petitions requesting Him for  some favours.

We request Him to forgive our sins.

Have we ever thought of others during our prayers or are we thinking of ourselves only?

When our Lord taught us to pray, He asked us to say:

Give 'us' our daily bread.

Forgive 'us' our sins.

Lead 'us' not not into temptation.

Deliver 'us' from evil.

When  I pray I am not expected to pray for 'me' alone.

We say many 'our Fathers' daily.

Have we ever thought of the people referred to by 'us' during our prayer?

Do we think of our family members, our Parish Priest, our parishioners,  our countrymen or none but  ourselves?

They too need daily bread.

They too need forgiveness.

They too are to be free from temptations and evil.

Have we ever thought of it and prayed for them?

Jesus instructed us to love our neighbours.

If we really love our neighbors we will surely remember them in our prayers.

Our Holy  Mother the  Church is taking care of us, her children,  in our way  to  our eternal home.

All the Christians, right from the Pope down to  the  newly conceived baby,  are her children.

We are all one family.

So we should remember all the family members, that is, the whole Church in our  prayer to Our Father.

How can we remember millions of people at the same time?

By our intention to pray for all.

First we  must  intend to pray for the whole church.

Besides verbal prayers there are action prayers.

Any action offered to God with a good intention becomes a prayer.

If we take our breakfast just for satisfying our hunger it it is merely an action.

But  if we offer it to God for the health of our neighbour it becomes a prayer.

"Jesus, I am offering you my home work for  my friend to write his exam well. "- This offering makes my home work a prayer.

Even our sleep can become a prayer if I offer it God with an intention.

Even sleepless nights can become prayers -we have only to offer them to God.

Each and every moment of our life can be turned into prayer if we offer it to God.

We will be worth the name 'Christians' if offer our prayer more for our neighbours than for ourselves, because Christ lived and died for others, not for Himself.

We must pray especially for our enemies, whom we must love though they hate us.

Jesus prayed for the forgiveness of the people who crucified Him at the time of His death.

We can call ourselves Christians only if  we pray for those who don't like us.

In short we must think of the welfare of our neighbours, both who love us and those who hate us, during our prayer.

Lourdu Selvam.

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