Thursday, September 28, 2017

Dependency is a blessing.

Dependency is a blessing.

"Independence' is a word which is usually used in political histories.

When a country becomes free from foreign rule, we say that it has become independent.

People like to be politically independent.

But in spirituality Independence is an imposibility.

From the moment we were created from nothing we were dependent on our Creator.

We should be happy over this dependency because we are dependent on Almighty God, who loves us unlimitedly.

He has provided us with all our needs, both Spiritual and temporal.

He takes care of us all our life.

Whether we like it or not we are dependent on God; to make our dependency more fruitful we must voluntarily surrender ourselves before God, whole heartedly accepting our dependency on Him.

If we desire to be independent of God, it only means we reject Him, which will result in everlasting loss of Him.

We are dependent on God, but God does not depend on anyone, He is self-existent.

We need Him for our existence,  but God does not need anyone.

We, human beings, are dependent not only on God but also on our neighbours.

We depend on God for our existence and for our attainment of the purpose for which we have been created.

We, human beings, depend on one another ( that is, we are interdependent)  in order to be of help to one another in our journey to Heaven with the grace of our Almighty Creator.

We depend on our spiritual Fathers for our spiritual nourishment.

They nourish us with the Seven Sacraments and their Spiritual Direction. They are our Spiritual parents and we are their Spiritual children.  We must approach them only for our spiritual needs, not material needs.

As children we are bound to take care of their temporal welfare.

"You shall provide for the material needs of the Church."- is the sixth precept of our Church.

We are interdependent as the children of the same God.

No one can lead a spiritual or temporal life alone without the help of others.

Children depend on their parents for being brought up and parents on their children in their old age.

Jesus commanded us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves.

Real love cannot remain dormant.

It will be active and express itself in acts of kindness and love, which will increase our treasurer in Heaven.

Mutual love, mutual understanding and mutual help will build up a healthy Spiritual family, which is united not merely by blood relationship but by love, which makes us Christ like.

Christ sacrificed Himself for us out of pure love and this love which we inherit from Him enables us to sacrifice ourselves for our neighbours.

We depend on our neighbours  to serve as people for whom we can make some sacrifice.

Sacrifice need not necessarily mean sacrificing our life, which is the greatest of all sacrifices.

In our daily life we can sacrifice our time, comfort, food, money and such other small things for others. What makes the sacrifice great is not the thing sacrificed, but the love with which it is done.

One boy had the habit of noting down whatever he did during the day on his diary.

From one of the diary pages:

1. I got up at 5 in the morning instead of 6 to help my brother to do his homework. I am happy to have sacrificed one hour for him.

2. My brother wanted one more coffee in the morning. I sacrificed my cup for him.

3. I sacrificed 10 minutes for my mother by helping her in the kitchen in washing the plates.

4. When I was going to school by bus I gave my seat to one old thaaththaa, sacrificing my comfort.

After noting down such other small small sacrifices, he has ended the page with the words:"Dear Jesus, I offer you my small sacrifices as amendment for my sins and the sins of the whole world."

My point here is that we depend on our neighbours to do acts of love and sacrifice.

Thus all the children of God are interdependent to be of help to one another in our heavenward journey.

God is self-existent.

We are all dependent on Him for our existence and salvation.

All the human beings are interdependent in their heavenward journey.

Dependency is a blessing.

Lourdu Selvam.

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