Wednesday, September 6, 2017

God and me.

God and me.
The Title applies to all the readers.

Suppose I receive Rs. 10,000 from a friend of mine for my domestic expenses, how much do I owe him?

Taking into consideration my financial situation  he may have given the  amount freely.

Even then I owe him amount he has given and I have to be thankful to him for it.

Though he may not demand the money back the fact remains that I owe him the amount received from him.

I was nothing before I was created.

When God created me I came into existence,  but I  had nothing as my own, including me.

I myself was not mine.

Cent per cent I  was God's property.

In other words I owe myself to God,  which means I am not mine.

But God does not treat me as His slave.

He  has accepted me as His child.

He created me out of pure love for me.

He has given me  full freedom without my asking for it.

He  has shared with me His attributes such as love, wisdom, freedom, justice and power. 

His attributes are unlimited and mine limited.

He has created me in His image.

He  has given me intellect to know Him,  mind to remember Him and above all a heart to love Him.

Being His creation I am bound to be  at His service.

By  my service to Him, He is not benefitted in any way because He is not need of anybody's help.

As God is  perfect I cannot add anything to His perfection.

In fact when I serve Him I am benefitted,  not He.

Serving Him means serving His  other children, who are my neighbours.

So  by my service my  neighbours and I are benefitted,  not He.

By benefit I refer to my spiritual growth.

Besides giving me  the full benefit of my service, God has promised eternal reward for it.

I myself am a gift of  God to myself.

My life too is His gift to me.

He has promised an eternal life as a gift to me.

What shall I give Him in return?

I have nothing of my own to give Him.

So I shall return myself to Him to be His slave to serve Him with love.

Lourdu Selvam.

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