Sunday, September 17, 2017

Our belief comes from the Bible.

Our belief comes from the Bible.

What we know  about God comes from the Holy Bible.

As God is infinite, we, with limited intellect, cannot have a complete knowledge of God.

The difference between us and God is infinite.

God cannot be measured.

The language we use is meant for describing limited worldly things.

We cannot describe God with this language as each and every word is related to things worldly, not Divine.

But we have no other go but to use it as we can understand only this language.

So we use it poetically and symbolically when we speak about God.

God is everywhere, but not physically; being a spirit He cannot occupy space; He is everywhere by His knowledge and power.

God really  rules the universe, but  not from a physical golden throne. 

God cannot be described literally because human language literally describes only human things.

We don't know  Divine language.

God doesn't have a physical body. 

The things of the world that we can see are described literally.

Some parts of the Bible must be interpreted symbolically and some literally.

But it is not to be done by personal preference.

There is an objective standard to do it.

Language about visible things is interpreted literally, language about invisible God is interpreted symbolically.

The story of creation is true, but it is not literal, it is symbolic.

It tells about invisible God creating the visible world.

It is true that God created the world.

The words about the universe with its heavenly bodies, the ocean, the land, the birds, the animals and the human beings are literal.

The words that refer to God and the way how He created the universe are poetic and symbolic.

All the persons whom the Bible deal with are historical persons and  God reveals Himself by His Providence through their history.

God becoming Man is a historical event.

By incarnation invisible God becomes a visible man, keeping at the same time His invisibility.

Jesus is a Divine Person with two natures, Divine and human.

Jesus is fully God and fully Man.

His Divinity is invisible and Human nature visible.

Whatever is said about Jesus in the Gospels is to be interpreted literally.

The  Annunciation of Angel Gabriel to Virgin Mary,

Jesus' conception in virgin
Mary's womb,

His birth,

His life on earth,

His miracles,

His sufferings,

His death on the Cross,

His Resurrection

and His Ascension

are historical events and are to be interpreted literally through the lens of God's love for us.

When Jesus said, , "Believe me when I tell you this; you can have no life in yourselves, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man, and drink his blood", He meant it literally.

When we receive Holy Communion we eat the flesh and drink the blood of Jesus in reality. Jesus is really present in Holy Communion.

Some people have some preconceived ideas and beliefs of their own and  interpret the Biblical passages to suit their beliefs.

When we read a biblical passage we must interpret it correctly and then believe it.

We should believe what the Bible says, not expect the Bible to say what we believe.

Let us





Lourdu Selvam


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