Friday, September 15, 2017

Faith without Love is dead Faith.

Faith without love is dead Faith.
A two wheeler cannot run by one wheel.

We being two legged cannot run with one leg.

All the three Theological virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity are essential for our salvation.

By Faith we believe in God.

By Hope we firmly believe that God will surely grant us salvation that we desire for  if we cooperate with Him.

By Charity we love God and our neighbours.

St. Paul says in his Epistle to Galatians, ”For in Christ Jesus, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision counts for anything, but only faith working through love.”

We cannot attain salvation by Faith alone.

To attain salvation our Faith must express itself in Charity.

Faith without Charity is 'dead Faith'.

One who says, "I believe in God, but I don't love my neighbours” is a liar.

Faith becomes effective only through love.

"Thus faith, if it has no deeds to shew for itself, has lost its own principle of life." (James

Faith is making itself operative or effective through love.

Without love Faith is ineffective.

Love includes love for God, love for our neighbours and acts of kindness and love for our neighbours.

We call these acts 'good works.'

What do we mean by good works?

Any work done for the love of God is a good work.

We cannot do any work to help God, because God is never in need of any help.

It is God's will that we should help our neighbours who are in need.

Whatever we do for the good of our neighbors for the love of God is a good work.

So a good work must be helpful to our neighbours and it must be done for the love of God.

Any work done to help our neighbours without love for God in it is not meritorious before God.

Our first duty is to love God, it is because we came into existence as God created us.

Then we must love  our neighbours as they are our brothers and sisters in God.

If we sincerely love God we will love our neighbours too even without being asked to love.

If we have faith in God we will love Him and His created children sincerely.

So Faith is conjoined with Love and they are essential to life in Christ.

Lourdu Selvam.

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