Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The purpose of our life and the means to attain it.

The purpose of our life and the means to attain it.

God created us with a purpose.

We were nothing before we were created.

When God created us He provided us with everything that is needed for us to attain the purpose for which He has created us.

As the purpose was fixed by Him, He only knows what is needed for the attainment of the purpose.

But we often misuse what has been given to us for the attainment of the purpose which puts us in the danger of losing it.

What we misuse is our freedom of choice.

When we fall misusing the freedom gifted by Him, God gives us His grace to rise again.

We cannot rise again without God's grace which is also freely given whenever we are in need of it.

We can sin by ourselves, but to feel sorry for our sins we need God's grace.

Without God's grace we cannot do anything good.

We cannot seek God or turn to Him without God first calling us to Himself.

God takes the initiative, but we should respond to God's call.

God wills that we be free to choose His grace or reject it.

It is left to us to use our freedom to accept or reject God's grace, freely given.

If we accept the grace we will be saved.

God intends that each and every human being should be saved, not a selected few.

Grace is given to all human beings.

One who is touched by grace must persevere in charity that he may enjoy the free gift of salvation

The most Holy Trinity is a communion love.

God created us in His image, that is, with the attribute of love, so that He may share with us His communion of love.

Yes, God created us to share in His blessed life of communion of love.

It is the purpose of our creation.

It is to enable us to attain this purpose that God has gifted us with freedom of choice.

This communion of love demands freedom of will.

Love is not  thrust upon a person, it is gifted.

We are free to accept or reject the gift.

If we accept the gift we can attain the purpose for which we have been created.

If we reject the gift we reject God, the giver of the gift.

Love is the very essence of the relationship between God and man.

God has created us with the purpose of our communion  with Him.

God is love.

So, love is essential for our   redemption and our ultimate destiny.

God wants the human race to live in a communion of love in this world and have a foretaste of the eternal communion with Him.

That is why He asks us to love one another as we love ourselves.

Love should be our life.

We must love God and our neighbours and this love is the means to attain our ultimate purpose, sharing with the Most Holy Trinity's eternal communion of love.

Lourdu Selvam.

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