Tuesday, September 5, 2017

Satan in our midst.

Satan in our midst.

Satan, who lost Heaven due to his sin of pride, is roaming about the world in search of souls to seduce them from God to his fold.

His first victims were our first  parents.

He tempted Eve with the desire of becoming like God and made her eat the forbidden fruit.

He continues his tempting business even today.

He did not leave  even our Lord, whom he tempted with quotations  from the  Bible!

He  and his demons are very subtle. 

He does not come to us as he truly is, but in a very appealing disguise. 

Satan approaches us  in the guise of an angel.

He will give us poison mixed with  honey.

"God is everywhere. Adore Him at home. No need of going to Church."

"Serving your neighbour  is serving God. Social service is enough. Why Church service."

"Everything belongs to God.  Everyone belongs to God. So taking anything from anybody. and giving it to anybody is service done to  God. "

Cited above are few samples for such mixture.

He will be by our side when we read the Bible,  but to give us wrong interpretation to what we read.

He will  will mix lies with the truth to confuse us  and to lead us away from the Church and the Eucharist. 

What he presents us will  seem so right and pleasant to the earthly side of us that we will accept them as though they are given to us for our salvation.

He is behind the disputes and divisions among the  people who are believed  to be the followers of Christ.

"Peace be to men  of good will." was Jesus' birthday  message delivered to the world from above .

Jesus was born to give  peace to the world.

Satan is roaming about to destroy the peace given by  Jesus.

Christians are supposed to be good willed and  peaceful.

But does the peace willed by Jesus  reign in our Christian families and communities?

Who is behind the disputes and quarrels that destroy our peace  in our families?

Who else - but Satan.

Satan cannot enter an area which is  under the reign of love.

If we quarrel with one another it only means we have no love.

Love forgives.

Where there is love and forgiveness there will be peace.

Acting against love is sin.

Satan's  aim is to lead us into
Into sin, by  removing our sense of sin from us.

The absence of sense of sin in us has resulted in decreasing confessions​ among the  faithful.

Many people don't think of making confession themselves.

No  sinful act seems to be a sin  to  some people.

Even those who don't worry about attending Sunday Mass throughout the year attend Christmas Mass and stretch out  their palms to receive our Lord  without any preparation to receive Holy Communion and get out of the Church immediately to  chat with their friends.

It is due to  Satan's work that our sense of sin is vanishing from us.

We are made up of body and soul. 

Satan's target is our soul.

He makes use of our body to spoil our soul.

Our body and soul are so inter-related that one cannot function as it should without the cooperation of the other.

The soul can love, but to do the acts of love the body must cooperate​ with the soul.

Without the soul the body will be a corpse.

Satan makes use of  the passions of the body to tempt the soul into sin.

The soul must be alert and say 'no' to the devil.

When we happen to fall, to prove ourselves to be the children of Eve, who put the blame on the  serpent, we put the blame on our fallen nature.

We forget that God became man and sacrificed Himself on the Cross to raise us from our fallen nature.

With the grace of God we should stand up against the devil.

"Ask,  it shall be given, " said Jesus.

We make use of Jesus' words only to ask for worldly things.

What is more important is to ask for the grace of God to stand against the devil at the time of  its temptation.

With God's grace as our shield and weapon  we can easily defeat Satan.

Lourdu Selvam.

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