Monday, November 19, 2018

“Son of David, have pity on me!”  (Luke 18:39)

“Son of David, have pity on me!”  (Luke 18:39)

We can learn useful things for our life from anybody, even from a blind beggar.

What is important is the lesson learnt,

not the status of the person from whom we learn it.

When Jesus was nearing Jericho,  a blind man was sitting  by the way-side begging.

His eyes were blind, but, ears keen.

Hearing the sound made by the multitude following Jesus, he enquired and learnt that Jesus was passing by.

At once, he started to cry, “Son of David, have pity on me!” 

He refused to be silenced by anybody.

Hearing his cry, Jesus ordered to bring him before Him.

Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do for him.

He replied, "give me back my sight."

Jesus cured him.

With full eye sight, he followed Jesus, glorifying God.

What do we learn from the blind man, except that he was miraculously cured by Jesus?

As soon as he came to know that Jesus was 'going past' he cried out,

" Son of David, have pity on me!” 

He did not call Him by His name 'Jesus' .

He called Him,  "Son of David",

which means that he knew Him to be the expected Messiah,

who was to  be of the lineage of David.

A blind beggar knowing a very important Biblical truth!

A mini meditation for just a fraction of a second will drive us into the Holy Bible!

The very first prayer he said to Jesus was, "have pity on me.", a prayer very pleasing to Jesus.

Jesus appreciated the publican's prayer,

"God, be merciful to me;

I am a sinner."

 According to Jesus, "this man went back home higher in God’s favour than the other; "

One liner prayers like,

"Have pity on me."

"Have mercy on me."

are more powerful than long prayers,

for reasons

Jesus likes humility and prayers that are inspired by humility,

concentration on what we pray is very easy,

sometimes they serve as emergency calls.

Suppose we meet with unexpected dangerous situations, we will cry out without a pre-thought

"Jesus ...Jesus!"

"Jesus! Have mercy on me."

"Lord me."

Such one liners will come from the depth of our hearts.

One liners can be said at any time, they take just one second.

"Jesus, I love you."

"Solve this problem, Jesus."

"Bless my meals, Jesus."

"Thank you, Jesus, for being with me."

"I love my Mom, bless her please, Jesus."

"I am going to school, please come with me, Jesus."

"You have given me my wife, help me to keep her happy, please! "

"I don't know what to do, please help me, Jesus."

One liners will be helpful at any situation of life.

Another lesson we have to learn from the blind beggar  is perseverance.

If our first prayer doesn't seem to be heard, we should not give up, but continue to pray till we are heard.

The blind man could not be silenced by others.

We should not be discouraged even if others discourage us.

Perseverance in prayer will bring about positive results.

  When  Jesus asked him what he wanted Him to do for him,

he replied, "give me back my sight."

Just note his request.

It doesn't seem to be request at all.

It looks like a demand of a son.

Suppose you had taken away from your son his bag  for some reason.

He comes to you and ask,

"Dad, give me back my bag."

Doesn't it seem to be a filial demand,

a rightful request, 

only a son can make?

The blind man's request seems to me like this :

"Jesus, you are my God.

You have every right over me.

You can give me anything, and take it away if you please.

You gave me eyesight at my birth.

You took it away from me, I don't know why.

Now I want it back.

give me back my sight."

It seems to be filial demand or request, which only a loving son can make.

Jesus accepted the demand.

 Jesus said to him,

"Receive thy sight; thy faith has brought thee recovery."

After getting cured, the man  glorified God and followed Jesus.

We must learn this important lesson from the (no more) blind man.

We must glorify God for all the helps we receive from Him.

We must follow Jesus all our life, because He is our life.

Many a times we are spiritually blind.

We are unable to see the  spiritual values of things and events.

Suppose we fail in any of our efforts.

We are mentally upset at the failure, without being able to recognize its spiritual value.

Success or failure,

everything happens as per God's eternal plan,

as such we must accept whatever happens in our life

with a thankful heart.

We must request our heavenly Father to cure us of our spiritual blindness.

We must see things in the light of our Faith.

Lourdu Selvam.

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