Sunday, November 18, 2018

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Mark 13:31)

Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away.” (Mark 13:31)
We are living in a passing world. 

It had a beginning and will have an end.

Moreover, earthly wealth and possessions will offer only  a temporary satisfaction to our lives.

   They can  never give us  a permanent satisfaction. 

Our life in this world is temporary.

The world also is temporary.

How can a temporary thing give another temporary thing permanent satisfaction?

A time will come when  all the things of this world will  disappear. 

So, if we work to build up only earthly wealth and possessions,

all those things will eventually pass away and we would be left with nothing.

Unlike the world,  God, its Creator, is eternal.

So the words of God too are eternal.

Our soul was created to live for ever,

unlike our body,

which is temporary and will return to earth, when we die.

God's words,

revealing Himself,

are meant for our soul,

to believe and live by.

By embracing His Word,

clinging to it,

entering into it,

believing it

and letting it change us,

we are embracing the eternal. 

Jesus says that His “words will not pass away.”

Whatever He said will come true, with eternal effects.

We must hold on to His words as they have eternal value.

"Jesus said to him, If thou hast a mind to be perfect, go home and sell all that belongs to thee; give it to the poor, and so the treasure thou hast shall be in heaven."
(Matthew. 19:21)

Jesus says


if we give all our belongings to the poor,

our  treasure  shall be in heaven.

Jesus' words are true.

Our worldly wealth is perishable.

But if we give the perishable wealth to the poor,

God will reward us with eternal treasure in heaven.

By forgoing perishable wealth,
we gain eternal wealth!

Our earthly earnings and possessions will pass away one day,

they won't come with us when we leave this world to enter eternity.

But Jesus shows us a way how we can gain eternal treasures with the help of  our perishable possessions.

Very simple.

Give them to the poor and the needy for the glory of God.

We will get  eternal treasure in heaven which we can enjoy for all eternity.

We can abide by the words of Jesus, because they will never pass sway.

They will sustain us for all eternity.

"And my counsel to you is,

make use of your base wealth

to win yourselves friends,


when you leave it behind,

will welcome you into eternal habitations."(Luke.16:9)

Lourdu Selvam.

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