Thursday, November 1, 2018

A furious letter from Satan.

A furious letter from Satan.
Mister  Lourdu Selvam,

I have addressed you 'Mister, not out of respect for you,

of which you are not in the least worthy,

but with offensive emphasis.

You have offended me  in your last article

by saying that my  plan for putting an end to the Kingdom of God backfired on me.

I am in the least worried about it.

I was once a servant to my Creator,

but I am now the  king of hell.

I am more  proud of being the king of hell,

than being  a servant in heaven.

You think that I would be ashamed of my being  backfired.

Not in the least.

That is my life.

The first backfiring occurred before you people were created.

Do you know why I rebelled against God?

Once I was the Commander-in-Chief of the celestial forces.

Millions of angel forces were at my command.

I was very proud of my position.

Something happened that wounded my pride.

We were informed that God was going to create man, lower in status when compared with Angels.

We were also told that The Second Person of The Holy Trinity had planned to become a man, by being born of a Virgin.

This infuriated me, because l would have to adore a man, who is also God.

Adoring God is alright,  but,  adoring man?

The Incarnation  forced me to lower myself,

first,  before a woman who would be the Mother of God-made-man

and, additionally, in front of her offspring.

I considered that  mission would be too humiliating for me and did not want to do it. 

That was why I gave my cry of rebellion,


and together with me, many other angels refused to continue to serve God and His plan of love. 

We separated ourselves  from the light,

and immediately, without any possibility of going back,

we  became darkness

because of our pride, selfishness and disobedience. 

By opting for darkness we were thrown out of Heaven and out of the light.  

If I had not rebelled,  I would not have become Satan.

My plan to rebel against God backfired on me, making me eternally damned.

But I am in the least ashamed of it,

because I am a king now

and commander- in- chief of the infernal forces.

I tried my level best to erase Christ's Church from the face of the earth

by killing Christians and shedding their blood with the help the rulers of the nations,

but this too backfired on me

making my efforts having contrary effects.

The number of Christians went on increasing,

as from every drop of blood shed rose a Christian.

Now,  I have decided upon a different strategy.

I have decided to feign like an angel  and accompany pious people inspiring them
'good -looking' ideas which will have opposite effects.

For instance,  I will inspire them to celebrate feasts of saints  in a very grand manner collecting monetary contributions.

In the course of celebrations I will make them fall a prey to Self glory,  pomp, desire for money and related evils.

There will be everything except piety.

Just as sumptuous food is eaten for its taste, not for nutrition,

feasts will be celebrated for enjoyment, not for piety.

Such people may be Christians in name, really they are mine.

Mind you, this strategy will not backfire.

Mister Lourdu Selvam, nowadays I spend more time in churches than in hell.

Just notice,

People who come to the church indecently dressed are my people.

Those who receive Holy Communion without proper preparation are mine.

Those who stand outside the Church chatting during Mass are mine.

Those who never go for confession are mine.

They may not be fully mine now, but I will slowly draw them towards me.

I finish with three  lines.

Jesus came to the world in search of sinners.

I have come in search of holy people.

The war is in progress.


My reply is under way.

Lourdu Selvam.

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