Monday, November 5, 2018

Let us live for God and gain gain Him as our Eternal Reward."

"Let us live for God and gain gain Him as our Eternal Reward."

We were nothing before we were created.

At creation we were something.

It is God's desire that we become everything,

that lasts  for ever and ever.

To give an analogy, we were not born matured grown-ups as we  are now.

We were born only as small babies, unable even to lift our heads.

Our growth was slow, but steady as we were  taken care of our loving parents.

The same thing is with our spiritual life.

God created us body and soul.

Here we are concerned about our souls alone.

By 'At creation we were something',

I mean to say that we had a very humble beginning.

So I can say spiritual life starts with humility.

The child knows how far it is able.


with the full knowledge of inability to stand by oneself,

is essential for humility.

In our spiritual life

we must first realize

that we are nothing by ourselves

and we are cent per cent dependent on God

for our existence and growth.

Our dependence on God springs forth from the truth

that we have been created for God and God alone.

God is our life's starting point
and finishing point.

At the starting point we are we,

at the finishing point,

we become one with God.

God is an independent and Almighty being.

We cannot fly.

If we  get into an aeroplane, we can fly.

We are weak.

When we depend on God we become strong. 

By ourselves we are nothing, with God we are everything.

To become everything with God

we must first realize and accept

that we are nothing without God, and everything with Him,

and believe that when we unite ourselves with Him,

He shares His attributes with us.

"One who humbles himself before Him  will be raised up by Him.''

But if people  begin to feel proud of themselves

without realizing that they  are created beings,

depending on their  Creator for their  existence and growth,

their spiritual life will be a zero,

not meriting anything

for which they have been created.

If they ,

forgetting that they  are creatures,

begin their life independent of God,

they  will be self centred people,

living for their  own selves,

forgetting the fact

that  they themselves  don't belong to them.

Such people  will try to become big people by themselves,

not believing in or ignoring God,

and their  aim of life will be different from the one

for which they  have been created for.

Worldly wealth,

self glory,


and such related things will be their aim of life.

As they neither love nor live for God,

they do not seek Him for any help.

Life's starting point of such people is self reliance.

Finishing point will be

loss of eternal reward.

Let us live for God and gain gain Him as our Eternal Reward.

Lourdu Selvam.

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