The Law of Love.
Before creating man God created the material universe.
The universe consists of millions of stars, each with a number of planets rotating round it.
Though millions in number they keep to their places in the vast space, without clashing with each other.
They function as per the laws of nature given to them by God.
The main law that maintains their regular functioning is the law of gravity.
Each heavenly body, be it a star or a planet, has a centre of gravity.
The star and its planets attract one another.
Because of this mutual attraction they are able to keep to their orbit permanently.
The millions of stars too are able to keep to their position due to their mutual attraction.
This mutual attraction is called 'gravitational force'.
God has created the human race too with the same law of attraction.
All the human hearts have mutual attraction, which we call 'LOVE'.
It is love which keeps the human beings united.
The same love unites us with God, who is love.
Our Lord Jesus himself taught us to love God, which must express itself in loving our neighbours.
“You shall love the Lord
your God
with all your heart,
with all your soul,
with all your mind.
This is the great and first commandment.
And a second is like it,
You shall love your neighbour
as yourself.
On these two commandments
all the law
and the prophets.”
(Mt 22:37-40)
Jesus asks us to love with our 'heart, soul and mind'.
Heart and mind belongs to our soul.
It would have sufficed to say, 'love with your heart', because it is the seat of love.
Or, it would have sufficed to say 'love with your soul' as it is the owner of our 'heart and mind'.
But He mentions all the three to stress the fullness of our love.
Our whole being must be full of love and there must be no place in it for anything that cannot keep with love.
Love for self is taken for granted.
While we are to love God with our full soul, we must love our neighbours as we love ourselves.
Unless we love our neighbours as we love ourselves, we cannot love God with our whole soul.
So fullness of love includes
love for God,
love for our neighbours,
and love for self.
Love for God, love for our neighbours and love for self are not three loves, but one love.
We cannot make three compartments of love and allot one for God, one for our neighbours and one for self.
If we truly love God, we love ourselves and our neighbours too.
If one person loves his self without loving God and neighbours, his self love is not genuine, because it will do him no good.
If one loves his self alone, without loving God, it won't bring him eternal reward for which he has been created.
What is the use of such useless love?
Real love unites us with God and our neighbours.
Love is the unifying force of the spiritual universe as is gravitation that of the material universe.
Lourdu Selvam.